b'Source: UEFAUEFA PITCH QUALITY GUIDELINES - NATURAL TURF PITCH MANAGEMENT, 2018 EDITION.A stadiums choice of turfgrass will depend on its location and climate. This is another highly specialist area, on which these guidelines can provide only very basic instruction.There are two main types of turfgrasscool-season turfgrass and warm-season turfgrass. The two types vary considerably in their basic biology and climate adaptation, and both can be found on pitches in various locations across countries that host UEFA matches:ES: HOW CAN GRASS SEED COMPANIES HELP IN Cool-season turfgrass species are adapted to cooler PROVIDING A BETTER GRASS PITCH? regions. Species used regularly on football pitches include UEFA:We do not deal with grass seed companies directly.perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne), smooth-stalked As mentioned above, the key for UEFA is that the venues aremeadow-grass/Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and selecting grass species that are suitable to their particulartall fescue (Festuca arundinacea).climate, stadium environment and level of use.Warm-season turfgrass species are adapted to tropical ES: HOW IMPORTANT IS A FOCUS TOWARDSareas. Common species include bermudagrass (Cynodon species) Zoysia japonica and SUSTAINABILITY, SUCH AS LESS FERTILIZER OR, zoysia species (mainly PESTICIDE USE? ) and seashore paspalum (Zoysia matrella Paspalum vaginatumUEFA:Sustainability is increasingly important in every).industry and the stadium and pitch sector is no exception.The species of turfgrass selected will depend on factors In order to share the best practices in sustainable pitch man- such as tolerance to heat or cold, drought resistance and agement, UEFA has added an appendix to its Pitch Qualitydisease resistance. Extensive turfgrass breeding work Guidelines document that explains the latest best practicehas been carried out to improve the wear tolerance and in sustainable pitch management.local adaptation of individual cultivars (varieties) of each These guidelines cover elements such as stadiumspecies.design and construction, natural sunlight levels, airflow,Turfgrass selection is particularly tricky in those parts water and power provision, water management, fertiliserof the world that experience a relatively wide range of and nutrient management and disease and pest manage- temperatures, in particular those countries with continental ment. One challenge that UEFA faces when attempting totransition zone climates and some Mediterranean/dry issue advice is the differing legislation and availability ofsummer subtropical climates. In such climate zones, certain products in different countries inside and outsidecool-season grasses are poorly adapted to summer of the European Union.conditions, when high temperatures, water availability ES: IF YOU COULD MAKE A WISH LIST FOR BETTERand possible salt accumulation may be significant issues. GRASS VARIETIES, WHAT WOULD BE IN THE TOP 3? Conversely, warm-season grasses are intolerant of UEFA:As stated in our answers above, we do not have a spe- the colder winter conditions and tend to go brown and cific preference, just the one that delivers the three prioritiesdormant. Consequently, it is often necessary to oversow mentioned at the second question (player safety; quality ofwarm-season turfgrass with a cool-season species before the game of football that can be played; and the aestheticsthe onset of winter. Such transitioning represents the most of the pitch) and meets the specific needs of the venues. challenging aspect of turf management. EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 13'