b'THE RISK CORNER BY: DAVID ZARUKTOWARDS A CONCEPTOF BETTER FARMINGT he last Risk Corner column intro-The non-scientific dichotomyfar worse for pollinator health). By treat-duced a series of opaque defini- between synthetic and natural-baseding seeds to prevent any possible pest tions of organic, concluding thatpesticides would be eliminated. Eachinfestation, these neonics went against simply identifying it against conventionalsubstance would be assessed accordingIPMs use only when necessary ideal agricultural techniques was counterpro- to its sustainability profile. (regardless of the reduced overall envi-ductive. Due to successful fear-based Seed breeding technologies wouldronmental toll). marketing campaigns, the demand forbe evaluated on their merits rather thanIPM would not achieve the activ-organic food in many affluent countriessome arbitrary process definition. ist ideal if these pesticides were pro-is rising far faster than yield capacity, Any BFI would have a key goal ofmoted for their sustainable solutions so dangerously stressing global food secu- enhancing soil management. This is not aopponents launched intense campaigns rity and land use practices. We need aone-size-fits-all approach, but the objec- (resulting in worse environmental degra-rethink: away from this binary organictive should be to continually work fordation). Under a Better Farming stand-vs conventional / good vs evil dichotomybetter soil health, carbon sequestrationard, these crop protection technologies and towards holistically promoting betterand reduced erosion and degradation. would be promoted as best available soil farming practices.Smallholders in developing coun- and pest reduction practices. BFI would tries should be offered the best availableentail a more reasonable, pragmatic inter-THE BETTER COTTON INITIATIVE tools to increase yields, reduce harshpretation of IPM.In the mid-2000s, there was a sharpworking conditions and bring their pro-increase in demand for organic cotton.duce more easily to market. We need toBETTER IDEASAs it was impossible to fulfil this demandstop imposing ideologies that impoverishShifting to a Better Farming focus is without imposing a terrible cost on farm- the most vulnerable. urgent. Years of relentless fear cam-ers and the environment, stakeholders Assuming farmers can increasepaigns have destroyed the reputation of got together and established the Betteryields on more fertile land, the BFI wouldagriculture, but a BFI would also have Cotton Initiative (BCI) in an attempt toencourage means to return less produc- challenges.break the binary organic/conventionaltive land to biodiverse usage. Some would argue that a BFI label chains threatening the entire market.The BFI would concentrate onwould be insulting to farmers (and I The BCI is a series of principles anddeveloping more climate-friendly farm- understand that). All farmers do the standards to ensure that the cotton wasing techniques, resilience, better labourbest they can to protect their soil, grow grown, harvested and manufactured instandards, fair trade and access to mar- safe food and feed their communities. the most sustainable manner possible. Askets, data and technology. This BetterSadly, the organic food industry lobby has a label, it commits to continuously devel- Farming approach can also benchmarkdestroyed that perception with their good oping best practices and managing risksexcellent national initiatives (like thevs evil mindset. Confidence needs to be responsibly. Ten years after its launch,UKs Voluntary Initiative).restored while those struggling to meet 20% of all cotton is BCI certified. certain sustainability standards, particu-This pragmatic approach broke theINTEGRATED PESTlarly in vulnerable regions, will need more handcuffs the organic label was puttingMANAGEMENTS EXPECTATIONS technological support (rather than more on cotton farmers, with the supply chainMany of the recent attacks on crop pro- ideology).supporting agricultural improvementstection tools were not due to actualSome would argue the Better Cotton and better working conditions for farm- environmental risks, but over how theirmodel is impractical given the disparities ers while increasing consumer trust inuse confronted certain activist expecta- in the food value chain compared to the agricultural stewardship.tions: that Integrated Pest Managementmore closed cotton chain (and I under-Isnt it time for such an initiative to(IPM) was intended to move towardsstand that). The downstream food indus-be extended to all farming sectors? Isnteliminating all pesticide use. So, whiletry is going to have to step up and work it time for a Better Farming Initiativeherbicide-resistant seeds may reducewith farmers and scientists first rather (BFI)? overall herbicide use (and allow forthan immediately reacting to any con-much better regenerative soil manage- sumer fear campaigns. For that we need THE BENEFITS OF BFI ment techniques), it also implied thatto develop an integrated risk manage-Better Farming principles would pro- herbicide usage would not be phasedment process for the entire food value mote sustainable agriculture outside ofout. The campaigns to ban certain neon- chain. any organic vs conventional agricultureicotinoid-treated seeds was never aboutThat will be the subject of my next preconditions. For example: saving the bees (many alternatives werecolumn. 26IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'