b'CONTENT MARKETINGStarstruck on Zoom: The Power of Virtual ConnectionMARC ZIENKIEWICZ Associate EditorSeed World CREATEFifteen years ago, I missed out. Big time. Comet had come around again. Needlessuse technology to offer people a valuable I saw my favourite musicianToddto say, I seized the chance to meet himexperience they cant otherwise get due Rundgrenperform live. He did a showand it was a great experience. For aboutto the logistical challenges of travelling.in my hometown and I had a blast. What20 minutes I got to speak to one of myThink about it. Even when there is I didnt realize is that he took time to domusical idols and even get my photo takenno pandemic happening, travelling is an impromptu meet-and-greet with fanswith him. fraught with challenges. If you can make afterwards, and I had already left theOf course, it wasnt quite the sameit easier than ever for your audience to venue. as meeting him in the flesh, but when youconnect with you, that audience will Ever since I had been kicking myself.boil it right down, these sorts of experi- reward you. Youve likely built a virtual If only I had stuck around. Id likely neverences arent about physical connection;connection with that audience over the see him in concert again, let alone get totheyre about the emotional experiencepast year (if you havent, read this column meet him. An opportunity missed. Tooof connecting with someone important toand this column to begin doing so now).bad for me, I guess. you and having a memorable experienceAs the COVID-19 vaccine begins get-Until last week, that is. Rundgren isthat you will never forget. ting into more arms over the next several doing a series of 25 live virtual concertsThe virtual world opens up so manymonths and we begin to turn the corner from a venue in Chicago, Ill. The showsnew possibilities that we can all use toon this pandemic, now is the time to are streamed over the internet. For super- connect with our audience. This time lastthink about how you will use what youve fans like me, he offers the option of doingyear, many of us thought it was impos- learned. Start thinking of the ways you a short virtual meet-and-greet with himsible to replace real connection withwill employ all this technology youve prior to each show. virtual connection. The past 12 monthsbeen taking advantage of to keep that I was elated when he announcedhave helped us realized that while youvirtual connection even after COVID-19 this virtual concert tour and the optioncant replicate the experience of beingbecomes a memory.to meet him via Zoom. It was like Halleyssomewhere in person, you can definitely SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESLUMISENA, the New Standard in Sunflowers in SerbiaGORAN AVRAMOV Category Marketing Manager SeedCortevaIn the last years, sunflower as a crop hasIn the last couple of years with croppingIt leads to an increased emergence and become increasingly important amongarea increased and reduced field rota- healthier stand establishment to help farmers in Serbia. Today, the area undertion, new and more aggressive races ofsecure yields. sunflower is about 40 per cent higherdowny mildew are starting to cause big In short, this fungicide is Best in class.than ten years ago. problems for sunflower growers in Serbia.Treated sunflower seed with this There are several reasons for thisThe current genetic protection in sun- product has become the standard for increase, and among them, the most sig- flower hybrids is not effective enough toseed treatment in Serbia. This provides nificant are the emergence of new gener- fully protect the young plants. The plantproduction security for farmers through ations of high-yielding sunflower hybrids,infestation varies from field to field, andhealthy plants and a preserved crop genetic resistance to the main diseases,in some cases can go up to 40 per cent,stand, giving the chance of hybrid genet-favourable environmental conditions forleading to a significant yield reduction.ics to express its yield potential. cultivation, lower production costs and aThe question is what to do to ensureTrial results in Serbia, conducted in good grain commodity price. the safe production of sunflower andareas with stronger pressure of DM, show On the other hand, the increase inenable farmers to achieve satisfaction ina high efficacy of the product in sunflower the area under sunflower has led to athe work they do. The answer comes fromprotection, over 90 per cent. The yield reduction in crop rotation, which hasCorteva Agriscience with the revolutionloss caused by DM significantly exceeds resulted in the frequent occurrencein seed treatment technology againstthe cost of seed treatment. Due to this of diseases such as Downy Mildewdowny mildew: Lumisena fungicide. fact, farmers in Serbia now demand that (DM), caused by the fungus speciessunflower seeds be treated with our new Plasmopara halstedii. Downy mildewWHY LUMISENA? product. is a common sunflower disease that canThis fungicide is very effective against cause significant yield reduction.all races of the pathogen Plasmopara halstedii.WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVEIt has a new mode of action with no cross LUMISENA IN THE TOOLBOXresistance to any existing fungicide.FOR FARMERS IN SERBIA?It complements genetic resistance.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 29'