b'20MOST innovative plant varietiesover 2020Dear readers of European Seed over the past few years has been hovering around 3,500 new ,Lets face it, not many people can make reliable predictions aboutplant varieties. That is almost 10 new plant varieties per day that the future. But do you know who has to make such predictions dueare added to the toolbox of farmers to grow and on the plates for to their jobs? Plant breeders! They need to predict what consumersconsumers to enjoy., we wanted to shine some light on all these want, 15 years ahead of time.At European SeedCreating a new plant variety takes seven to 15 years, and innew plant varieties and give you a taste of the innovations that are certain crops even longer than that. So, when they start to developout there. But of course, we cant show all 3,500 new varieties of 2020 a new variety, the plant breeder has to make assumptions abouthere, so we asked the national seed associations in Europe, and what farmers need, and what consumers will want 15 to 20 yearsmany other peers in the European seed sector to send us their lists of from now.which varieties in their eyes were the most innovative of last year. And if only they could look into a crystal ball and predict what theYou will find a few lines of text per innovative plant variety, consumers tastes and preferences will be by that time. Unfortunatelyexplaining in a nutshell why this variety is so innovative, and what its the process is a whole lot more arduous than that. It requires gener- contribution is to the farmers toolbox or the consumers plate. Take ating more genetic diversity, a lot of crossing and selection, testing ofa good look at the list on the next few pages, and youll notice the the offspring, data processing, and yes, a bit of luck.wide range of different challenges that these plant breeders have It is not only a higher yield or a better taste that the breeder ismanaged to overcome such as or drought or heat decreasing yield after. The new variety will need to boast a myriad of improved char- or viruses, fungi or nematodes attacking the crop. But youll also acteristics to make it stand out amongst all the others. Dependingread about the new innovations these varieties are bringing to EU on the crop and the location, the new variety needs to have aagriculture e.g., higher levels of antioxidants, higher yield, or better higher resistance against pests and diseases, better droughtdigestibility for cows.tolerance, more proteins, higher levels of beneficial compoundsWith 3,500 new varieties per year, we can only show you the such as vitamins or antioxidants, or just make it easier for the farmertip of the iceberg, and many other new plant varieties should be to harvest the crops. And these are just a few of the breeding goalsrecognized for their innovation. Needless to say, that there will that plant breeders work on. always be plant varieties who you think should have been on the In addition, the assumed consumer preferences can vary quite alist, and perhaps question why others did actually make it on there. bit, due to changes in income, market supply of food products, infor- We very much welcome and look forward to any feedback you wish mation, and technology. And these changes all happen within ato share. You have standing invitation to share your feedback as to time scale that is far shorter that the creation time of a new variety.which varieties you think should have been on the list, and why. So, a constant adjustment of breeding objectives during the courseAnd the next time you enjoy a healthy meal, not only thank the of a breeding program is necessary. farmers, but also thank the plant breeders. Lucky for us, each year we are treated to many new plant vari- We hope you enjoy the list and look forward to your feedback.eties, in all kinds of crops. And the amount is just astounding! TheMarcel Bruinsannual number of new varieties arriving on our European plates EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 19'