b'Exploring ideas and views on all aspects of the seed industry.DROUGHT TOLERANT RICEtudy MPARATIVELY SAFE WITHd aPART sCO UNTERconducte y of ON-GM CO in Korea ronmental safet rms ITI D: Gt nN searche i sthe envi ice variety in te ene R FOO e rE ED NG FO ? ofting asRe determ nelerant r r l traits and g ally G NOM PLE REACT niversitylumbiah torought to gricultu a that geneticE e UHOW DO PEO m from th fBritis Co e dina d selected a ncludedaused by h ferent countries tea u o lookedd benbymodified (GM) rice can be used as a meansy A researchniversityof genome iting ofw. They coproblem cinvestigated how people in five dif n efi d r sndtheU s usa sat which usesflo d e s the food d on GM rice a ge ts of re acc ario a researcherslo yiesrei r ferencesto T e researchers focuse wh ich carr e act to v e risks a atedae ing onl mi many, Italy,climate change.and H s 2 tion. The ge nst The th aagriculture.dnd h t chno g nor d f h V 3nowepte eb V8are newre d ults show died - Gercountries,varieties H 2 gene in e er gulator agai red p ople. Th he cou triethe U f nctions as ress in ri e. e counterparte in the e res n s stu .S. In all the CaMsrBa defens crThey compa and making changes to the genome is more likely to beced t o ral tra nutritieb deemed acceptable when used in crops rather thanrmof ag al weedineset a en t ustria and u ative st its non-GMre the sam tion weCan da, AAgricultureoxid ri withat b th we its, germina onal . The study was published in GMs he nimalsobserve ricultu s, and ch ka . They also noted that no gene i sed to ma than if thete potentiin livestock lues. s u m,d uman Va nology is greatertput fro rate M rice. The study and Ht approvalse th ou from thecomposition researchers foun M te no he te is u irst author G eigh risks andmobility occurred in the G afet d prior to If to disease, to increa sa Buschucted as the s y of any Gresistantgys sed e fwas cond ant that the monstrateloch als, sayf tingen.dentify h gardless o it import st first be de in discussion anim t (24%) i n ogy, e 1%) seeplant mu . s and y of G e h lrniversit op on nts he tec o ters (2 portersadoption the full result .U pl . The strong supporca ls for a s dvantag ongEnvironmental Sciences EuropeTheban of t es. The sup Read (26%) see many advantages but also risks. Whereasc possible benefit any a w no str risks and m e a 29%) sho s s usedext-ge n eration few r l ( MBLEBEES norneut t U n sure, i luding SING Bwe ESS STRt ose wh t. rsity scienti cide expoopinion on the subjec NCOVE , rk Unive cof pesti nded h RS WHATo vation genomic approach - an emerging field of study that could radically change ENCING U tYo en eON SEQU eTo find ou s for evid llow-baNERATI um be s? b mblebee . la or the yeXT-GE ble . This new technique tloo t d , and found both died Btr ingub ep insideu ombus terricoNE s ess keW , in agricultural and non-agricultural areasha scing to , as well as pathogens sea hers stuUsing a conser is a , the yellow-banded bumblebee has experienced major declines in the last sequen -e re rc . . neonicotinoids ssessedth fecting bees y of natural ecosystems , which e waygeneration sequencing is a totally new way to think about why bees are declining y of healthth Americaees to probe for invisible stressors af y and get clues bumblebee, a native to Nor sure,vation b y and the stabilit says th tly at bee tissues to tr Facultallows scientist , which threatens food securit is aecha r for ades k thisee Ecology Evolution and ConserLike many pollinators ngecouple dec vation biology. Were looking direc mgacould revolutionize conser this bee. I thinNext- ctingtor of the Centre for Be stressors that are affe , directoEEc) at York and corresponding author of the study.Science Professor Amro Zayedth(B74/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2021'