b'The variety, technical name HURV19PAN, is the first THC-free, high-CBG variety approved by Health Canada, as well as the only CBG variety currently avail-able in the country.The variety, expected to contain 14% CBG in the field, was developed with partner Hemp Trading S.L.U. and the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain. The development of Panakeia was made possible through cross and selective breeding by inhibiting specific pathways of the biosynthetic route of cannabinoids, thus preventing the formation of THC, the psychoac-tive component of the plant, and increasing the accu-mulation of CBG, a cannabinoid that until now was only found in tiny amounts in the plant.That means a double achievement: not only has THC been totally eliminated, but the concentration of CBG has been boosted. The result is a strain spe-cially developed for medicinal cannabis patients for its therapeutic properties as well as for researchers and pharmaceutical companies interested in exploiting the medicinal properties of cannabis. Shultz says the amount of research needed to get to true hybrid hemp Jamie Ghossein is CEO of Cannabis Orchards,varieties is significant, but opening up space in Canadas regulation to do so based in Ottawa, Ont. Hes also a full-time physician athas helped research leaps and bounds. Ottawa Hospital. The potential held in cannabinoids like CBG is what inspired him to get into the industry.I call this new wave of minor cannabinoidsThis is the first installment of an ongoing series called Cannabis Chronicles that digsCannabis 3.0. The cannabis space really is being revo- deep into issues that shape the cannabis industry in North America. Got a story idea?lutionized and giving people a host of new therapeuticEmail Alex Martin at amartin@seedworldgroup.com.options, Ghossein says. Cannabis Orchards has held a Health Canada plant breeding industrial hemp license since 2018. The license includes the cultivation, import, export, sale andWHAT ARE CBG AND CBD?production of hemp seed and flower, as well as the cultivation of unapproved cultivars for the purposes ofCannabigerol (CBG) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that could possibly have benefits registration, research and field testing. in treating glaucoma, inflammatory bowel disease, and as an appetite stimulant.The company, which specializes in indoor feminized seed production, holds the exclusive rights to PanakeiaCannabidiol (CBD) is a non-narcotic and may hold promise in treating anxiety, insomnia for production and sale of seed, clone and plant matterand chronic pain.in Canada.ChallengesDespite the excitement in the cannabis community surrounding minor cannabinoids like CBG, there are hurdles. The biggest one Cannabis Orchards faces atmore CBG can be extracted for the market, he notes.the moment, Ghossein says, is producing enough fem- For Jan Slaski of InnoTech Alberta, the potential goes beyond just can-inized seed, cultivating enough acreage and making itnabinoid production, though. He hopes hemp grain will soon be utilized as available to as many people that need it as possible. livestock feed as wellwhich Health Canada currently does not permitA big issue is preventing pollen contaminationopening up a new market for the crop.between varieties when youre working with more thanOn behalf of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA) Slaski coor-one. Right now, were only working with one variety,dinated generations of a robust set of analytical data showing that hemp which makes it very simple. But we obviously want tograin and its fractions including screenings and hulls can be safely incor-increase the number of varieties that are available andporated into livestock feed. Currently the application package is being the number of minor cannabinoids that were offering.submitted to the CFIA seeking registration of eight hemp grain-based Meeting quality standards when working with multipleproducts.varieties is the next bridge we have to cross. Slaski notes that when hemp grain is processed for human consump-The more feminized seed the company can pro- tion, as much as 40% is discarded in the form of shells, which he says could duce, the more acreage can be cultivated and thehave great value in the livestock space.SW34/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2021'