b'SEPTEMBER 2021 / THE INKERSWHAT LEADER HAS INSPIRED YOU MOSTPUBLISHER MARKETINGMAIN OFFICE IN YOUR LIFE? Shawn Brook Shelby Colbert 1395-A S. Columbia Road PMB 360 sbrook@seedworldgroup.com Theresa Ramsoomair Grand Forks, ND 58201-99071.My late wife was the greatestEDITORIAL DIRECTOR tramsoomair@seedworldgroup.comleader in my lifeshe taught me thatSonja Begemann CREATIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS communicating well is what allows ussbegemann@seedworldgroup.com Lesley Nakonechny, KyleSeed World is published six times a to thrive in our life. That inspires meDratowany, Theresa Ramsoomair year. North American subscription every day. EDITOR rates are: one year USD $70, two Alex Martin CREATE STRATEGY SERVICESyears USD $120. The international 2.My dad. As a kid, he taught meamartin@seedworldgroup.com Aiden Brook rate for one year is USD $200. to work hard and to put family first.MANAGING EDITOR abrook@seedworldgroup.com To subscribe, please email Even today he continues to inspire me.Michelle ClarkeCIRCULATIONsubscribe@seedworldgroup.com.Despite having multiple sclerosis, whichmclarke@seedworldgroup.com Dean Frenchcan be debilitating, he always finds aART DIRECTOR dfrench@seedworldgroup.com WANT MORE SEED WORLD? way to help anyone who needs it. Lesley NakonechnyCONTRIBUTORSFollow us online at:3.My momshes a superwomanlnakonechny@seedworldgroup.com Barb Baylor Anderson, SeedWorld.com whos kind and ready to help at theSTAFF EDITORSEloy Corona, Anthony Leddin,facebook.com/SeedWorlddrop of a hat. She shaped my workMarcel Bruins, Ashley Robinson,Niels Louwaars, Melissatwitter.com/seedworldmagethic to be what it is today. Marc ZienkiewiczShipman, Jim Timlick, Franklinkedin.com/company/seed-Zaworski world-media4.My college basketball coach. ADVERTISING/SALES EDITORIAL BOARD Craig Armstrong Chris Boomsma, Julie Borlaug, carmstrong@seedworldgroup.com Bryan Gerard, Rale Gjuric,Dean French Lisa Nichols, Amanda Patindfrench@seedworldgroup.comSam MostafaPlease recycle where facilities exist.smostafa@seedworldgroup.com No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the writtenpermission of the publisher.Printed in the United StatesGENERATION SEED MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREGenWARE inventory management app directly connects warehouse activity with the rest of the operations in your seed business so that you can improve shipping accuracy, timeliness, productivity and customer service.GenWARE, has saved so much time and solved a lot of problems in the shipping process, it is user friendly and well loved by the users.Our next step is to roll out the app across our other warehouse locations. It has made a huge improvement to our warehouse processes and how we effectively communicate and update the deliveries internally, to our carriers and our customers.West Gaines Seed, IncSPEAK TO A SPECIALIST TODAY Phone +1 800 366 2474Email primeticsseed@culturatech.comVisitprimeticsseed.comSEPTEMBER 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /3'