b'To compensate for not being able to shake hands, Alicea andinterns who are scattered around the U.S. [for example], its my her team have used technologies such as social media to betterresponsibility to ensure they have an awesome experience [so reach younger age groups.they want to return], Alicea says. Its also my duty to ensure 2. Take a Seat at the Table. When I started [working in thewhatever part of the U.S. theyre in, theyre able to get a haircut ag industry] the first meeting I attended, you could count theand [get the] right hair products. You know, there are some number of women on one hand, Risa Demasi, co-founder ofremote locations in the U.S. where ethnically diverse individuals Grassland Oregon Seed, says. But that has changed, and I thinkcant find hair products.dramatically so. More women have entered the industry andUltimately, its up to the hiring manager to make sure that theyre making space for more women and for other types ofcandidates are enabled for success not only professionally, but diversity. personally as well. By simply showing up, other women are often inspired to doDiversity in agriculture, and increasing those opportunities, is the same, she says.an ongoing subject. While agriculture is making headway, there 3. Educate Candidates and Hiring Managers. Theres a lotis still room for growth. If youre a hiring manager, consider what of education happening within the workplace, Emily Ellis, BASFyou can do to help move the bar forward.SWrecruiter, says. [Were] educating our team members, our hiring managers to better understand what some of the challenges are and some of the perspectives that our candidates are bringing toWHERE the table. ON THE WEB4. Expand Diversity with Purpose, Not Numbers, in Mind. The industry in general kind of loses sight of what the real reason were doing this forits not diversity for diversitys sake, says Mark Waschek, vice president of agronomy at Ag 1 Source. What were enabling by having a diverse company culture is actually diversity in thought and diversity in action, collaboration from different viewpoints and different backgrounds is empower-ing to an organization.Diversity of thought and background brings new ideas to organizations that can boost productivity and opportunities.To listen more about diversity and hiring, make sure to watch episode five of Seed Speaks: 5. Consider the Needs of the Candidate. Thinking about ourseedworld.com/seed-speaks-episode-5-diversity-and-inclusion-in-recruitment/When the world relies on you for healthy food choices, rely on SOYLEIC SOYLEIC is a non-GMO, high-oleic option for todays soybean farmersand those they serve.Maturity Groups for Your AreaNo Yield DragAdded Value for Culinaryand Livestock MarketsThat means the future of a healthier food system isnt manufacturedits grown. See why soybean farmers are embracing SOYLEIC. soyleic.com(573) 635-3819734 S. Country Club Drive Jefferson City, MO 6510922/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2021'