JULY 2018 GERMINATION.CA 1 July2018 • Contents FEATURES 04 Silicon Valley Just Entered the Canadian Seed Realm 10 Innovation Offers No Guarantees 12 When it Comes to Creating Value in Cereals, Doing Nothing is Not an Option 15 ISF is Laying the Groundwork for a Stronger World Seed Trade 17 Top 20 Influencers 34 Wheat Class Modernization: What, When, Why and How 46 Superclusters and Accelerators Might Transform an Industry 50 Why a National Oilseeds Council Might Still be in the Cards 52 Honouring our Best and Brightest (2018 CSGA/CSTA Award Winners) 63 How do we Make Quality Seed Accessible to All? PERSPECTIVES 08 CSAAC 16 CSI 32 CSGA 48 CSTA 64 Giant Views DEPARTMENTS 38 Retail Roundtable 56 Cross Pollination 58 World Status 60 The Headlines SPECIAL SECTIONS 42 INSIDERS ON THE COVER(S) Our July edition features three different covers mailed out at random, each featuring one of our Top 20 Influencers (see page 17). Here’s who’s on the copy you’re holding as well as the two you’re not. Cami Ryan’s photo by Dainya Sapergia. David Hansen’s photo by Focus ’91 Photography. Matt Kelly’s photo courtesy of the Kelly Family. “WHENYOULOSE$25,000OUTOFAN ORGANIZATIONTHATHASARELATIVELY SMALLBUDGET,ITMEANSYOUHAVE TOCUTBACKSOMEWHERE.” —RonDavidson/50