JULY 2018 GERMINATION.CA 21 DON’T JUST SURVIVE — THRIVE In a world where big-box stores everywhere now offer products (including seed) aimed at the backyard gardener, 33-year-old Emily Tregunno has made it part of her life’s work to show that an independent family business can not only survive, but also thrive in a world where even green thumbers are a major target of big-box outlets everywhere. Emily and her sister Alison currently operate Halifix Seed together along with a management team, taking over for their father Tim, who was a stalwart of the Canadian seed industry. Emily is a fourth-generation owner of Halifax Seed, a com- pany founded in 1866. Halifax Seed operates two retail locations — one in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and the other in Saint John, New Brunswick. It’s actually Canada’s oldest continuously operating family-owned seed company and has evolved to be a market leader in the horticultural and agriculture industry in Atlantic Canada for both wholesale customers as well as home gardeners. The com- pany has been a recipient of the Canadian Association of Family Enterprise’s Family Enterprise of the Year Award. She’s helped make the family business thrive in the following ways. Offer Something Unique “When I eventually chose to get into the family business, I really wanted [my dad’s] business vision to be carried on. He believed we have something special to offer that no one else can. Sure, you can purchase the same tomato seed here as you can down the road in a big-box store or a parking lot pop-up. The difference between what you get here versus what you get there is that at Halifax Seed, we’re going to ensure you’re successful.” Be in it for the Long Haul Halifax Seed trains its staff to ask the right questions. Are you a new gardener? Have you grown these varieties? What direction does your patio face? Is it really windy where you live? “We want our customers to be lifetime gardeners, and that won’t happen if we sell them something that’s not right for their needs.” Never Forget What’s Truly Important Her daughter just turned two, and while entering the family busi- ness will certainly be an option for her, Emily says there won’t be any pressure to do so. “I want her to have the same opportunity I had to do what she wants. Growing up, I knew my dad owned a seed store. I knew what he did, but it was never forced on us. It was never discussed at the dinner table. He was my dad when he was at home — he was not a businessman. He coached our soccer games, took us skiing and always kept work out of family life.” EMILYTREGUNNO Co-owner, Halifax Seed Halifax, N.S. TOP 20INFLUENCERS