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This feedback system is based on chlorophyll fluorescence measurements that allow the LED grow light to “communicate” with the plants and adjust its light output to minimize the energy dissipated as heat and optimize photosynthesis. “Using the biofeedback system, a light profile is generated to identify the point of diminishing returns,” Mattos says. “This increases light levels to provide minimal increases in biomass production — and the minimal amount of energy necessary for plant development. It indicates the highest light use efficiency at different stages of plant development ensuring consistent production cycles.” The LED lights can also sense the external environment and adapt to the lighting conditions. Each adaptive light is equipped with light sensors and control software capa- ble of sensing incoming light. The adaptive lights provide just the necessary amount of supplemental light to ensure that the combined light from the sun and LEDs does not drop below the crop-specific lighting target provided by the lighting profile. Ready. Set. Launch. Since the company’s incorporation three years ago, Mattos and Hunt have secured investments to finalize the technol- ogy development. “We are now at the commercialization phase,” Mattos says, adding that the first commercial lighting system was imple- mented in November. As part of its launch, Mattos is targeting those in the research, vegetable, pharma and greenhouse business — sectors that focus on the initial phase of plant production (five to 20 days). “Initial plant development is crucial to ensure physical integ- rity and healthy plant growth,” Mattos explains. “The high value of seedlings means that it is easier to get a return on investment in new technologies that improve seedling pro- duction, reducing the barrier to adopt our new technology.” Helping Mattos and Hunt understand the ins and outs of the horticulture industry is Marc van Iersel, a university profes- sor. His past work has focused on the irrigation and ferti- lization of greenhouse crops, but this has recently shifted toward more efficient supplemental lighting practices. “I met Mattos when he was a graduate student at the University of Georgia,” van Iersel recalls. “I was a member of his advisory committee and he was a student in my graduate level photosynthesis class. One topic that came up was the idea of controlling lighting in greenhouses or growth rooms based on the crop’s physiological ability to use that light.” After graduation, Mattos cofounded PhytoSynthetix with Hunt, who had also taken van Iersel’s photosynthesis class. Their company was formed in part based on some of the ideas brought up in class. Since its founding, van Iersel has collaborated closely with PhytoSynthetix to help make that idea a reality. Given van Iersel’s close association with PhytoSynthetix, he remains excited about their joint work. “Supplemental light currently is not controlled in any advanced way,” van Iersel says. “It’s largely a best guess by the grower. PhytoSynthetix will provide growers the abil- ity to make lighting decisions based on sound scientific principles. “The company also has developed technology — in col- laboration with my lab — to help growers implement ‘smart’ lighting strategies. This approach will only provide crops with supplemental light when the plants can use that light efficiently. “As more sunlight is present, their LED lights automatically dim, because the crop does not need as much supplemental light when there is ample sunlight. This can greatly reduce lighting costs for greenhouses.” Van Iersel says this LED illumination system is especially beneficial for growers who produce high value seed- lings, such as vegetable or ornamentals. “PhytoSynthetix’s approach has the potential to change the economics of sup- plemental lighting,” he says. “At the same time, it may make it easier to produce crops on a schedule. That can have big benefits, because it can remove much of the uncertainty of scheduling subsequent crops.” Lisa Kopochinski Erico Mattos is an engineer and co-founder of PhytoSynthetix. Marc van Iersel is a professor at the University of Georgia collaborating with PhytoSynthetix.