species have been sequenced and are publicly available. Mycorrhizae is a fungal biological forms symbiotic rela- tionship with plants. It creates an extensive hyphal network in the soil, while exchanging phosphorus for carbohydrates. Pyrethrin is an insecticidal compound derived from chrysanthemum plants. Its application results in loss of motor control and paralysis of targeted insects. Humic substances refer to humic and fulvic acids that are derived from humus and com- monly used as biological soil supplement. Using Biologicals Seed-applied biologicals func- tion to promote and enhance plant growth in several ways. As a biostimulant they enhance plants’ abiotic stress tolerance and promote extensive fungal hyphal networks in the soil. These long, filamentous struc- tures are the main mode of fungal vegetative growth. They function to solubilize phospho- rus to enhance plant growth. As a biofertilizer, biologicals can increase the availability of nutrients for plant uptake from the rhizobiome immediately surrounding plant roots. Rhizobial nitrogen fixation enables soybeans and other legumes to convert atmos- pheric nitrogen into ammonia for use by plants in exchange for carbohydrates. SUPPORTED BY ENDORSED BY Biopesticides also function to control microscopic parasitic pests. By stimulating a plant’s native defense systems, biologi- cals can trigger a “vaccine-like” response in treated plant to pro- vide protection against micro- scopic parasites. “The takeaway is that seed- applied biologicals including both microbials and naturally occurring substances com- monly exhibit multiple func- tions. They can function as biostimulants, biofertilizers or biopesticides,” Howieson says. “Biologicals complement con- ventional crop inputs to help crop plants more fully achieve their maximum genetic yield potential.” SW 24 / SEEDWORLD.COM JANUARY 2018 COMMON FOLIAR AND SEED-APPLIED BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS Biological Element Mode of Action Complementary Benefits Bradyrhizobium japonicum (seed applied inoculant) Nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria stimulate root nodulation improving nutrient uptake Helps legume growers achieve more consistent overall performance, reducing uncertainty Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (seed applied biofungicide) Root colonization protects against fungi Extends the window of protection up to 45 days Bacillus subtilis (seed applied biofungicide) Creates a living barrier that shields the seedling from soil-borne disease Complements chemical seed treatment and helps growers manage resistance Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (foliar applied biofungicide) Once on the plant, forms a shield of protection against fungi Prolongs longevity of classic chemistries by helping delay development of resistance Beauveria bassiana (foliar applied bioinsecticide) Fungal spores are directly applied to the pest target and works by germinating on outside of insect’s cuticle Complex nature of interaction with the host organism makes chance of resistance very low Beneficial Nematodes (foliar applied bioinsecticide) Entomopathogenic nematode Shows excellent compatibility and performance with chemistry as part of an IPM program Treating seed with biological seed enhancements has proven beneficial to growers to help crops get off to a strong start through pest control and plant health benefits.