b'Network (EESNET) until it merged with ESA. Today, the Association is very strong in gathering all participants in theMAIN GOALS OF THE SASwell-organized seed industry of Serbia and representing generalThe main goals of SAS are the following:interests of its members.Well-organized, competitive and innovative seed sector of theORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE SEEDRepublic of SerbiaASSOCIATION OF SERBIALobby for precise seed legislation harmonised with the EUThe first visionary and founder of the SAS was Dr. MirjanaTake over the leadership position in the region regarding seed Miloevi . Since 2007, Dr. Svetlana BaleeviTubihas beenproduction that our seed sector previously occupiedthe Secretary General of SAS. Together with the President Institutional organization of the certification systemimprovingof SAS, Sandra Bogdanovi , BaleeviTubihas significantlyand establishing the system similar to other countriesimproved performance and visibility of the SAS, especially the Promote the use of certified seed and educate the farmers cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Connect the domestic and foreign seed sector, especially in Management and other decision-makers. Her 25-year-long workthe region including Slovenia, Croatia, as well as Bosnia and and experience in the seed business and research contributedHerzegovinato creating a suitable environment for the Serbian seed sector. Furthermore, representing Serbia at the European and inter-national level and participating in activities of the international seed organizations, she has improved the SAS cooperation at the regional and international level and enabled for the voice of the Serbian seed industry to be heard. Currently, as the director of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, the largestThe Serbian seed sector institute in the field of agricultural research in South-East Europe, she contributes to the transfer of knowledge and innovation intoneeds a simplificationpractice, to farmers. SAS President Sandra Bogdanovilobbying for the interest and goals of SAS greatly contributed towards theof the procedures andgrowing number of SAS members.The Assembly is the highest body of the SAS with 25 repre- the establishment ofsentatives of members. The Board of Directors creates activities of the SAS and pursues the set goals. There are nine members ofan efficientthe Board of Directors: President, Secretary-General and seven member-elected representatives from the fields of breeding, seedcertification system.production, seed processing, seed trade, agricultural extension services, and multinational seed companies. Within SAS there is a Group for Breeding and a Group for GMO. Meetings with all SAS members are often held on specific topics, where discus-sions are held, and solutions proposed.IMPORTANT TOPICS AND ACTIVITIES OF SASSAS publishes flyers, brochures and books in order to facilitate education but also to lobby for the most important issues in the seed sector. Additionally, in doing so, SAS represents the impor-tance of the seed business, tells where we are and where we are going, and proposes solutions and activities to improve the Serbian seed sector. In Serbia there is no independent certifica-tion institution and all activities related to the seed certification process are under the Ministry for Agriculture or the Agriculture Extension Services authorized by the Ministry. Currently, such a system is functional, but a simplification of procedures and the establishment of an efficient certification system is necessary for the Serbian seed sector. SAS calls to action with one goalto enable the Republic of Serbia to become one of the very stable and competitive countries in the region, with significant prosperity in agriculture and seed business, with policies and legislation harmonized with the EU, and to be viewed as a much stronger partner in the international seed market.The Association has always focused greatly on advanced training and helping its members in the business processesSecretary General Dr. Svetlana BaleeviTubi Lobbying for the seed sectorby organizing annual professional excursions to seed compa-52IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'