b'The current EU GMO-legislation urgently needs clarificationas regards scope and exemptions, based on sound sciencerather than day-to-day national policy agendas.TRIS-System, but the Czech Republic even issued a detailed opinion. While its detailed content is not public at this point, this opinion has already led to a prolongation of the standstill period to November. In addition, a wide range of institutions and stakeholders have made use of the possibility to comment through the TRIS procedure and asked for France to withdraw the draft decree. It still remains to be seen how specifically the European Commission will react to defend the successful common market for seed.Clearly, there is a link between this draft decree and the on-going European Commission study on the development of latest breeding methods commissioned by the Council in November 2019 and expected for April 2021. Still, it didnt need this draft decree nor is there a need to wait for the outcome of the study to conclude that the current EU legislation urgently needs amending to (re-)establish clarity as regards definitions and consequent scope and exemptions, based on sound science rather than day-to-day national policy agendas, and providing a solid base for plant breeding innovation and international trade of resulting products for the future. Editors Note: Petra Jorasch is Manager Plant Breeding Garlich von Essen Innovation Advocacy and Garlich von Essen is Secretary-General, both at Euroseeds in Brussels.Any time. Any place. Your field at your fingertips.Contact us to learn more about our special offer @ Euroseeds2020 info@phenome-networks.comwww. phenome-networks.com 26IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'