b'SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESPreparing for the Next SeasonDANIEL NITA Seed Production LeadCortevaEUROPEAN SEED (ES): DANIEL, WHATLumigen brand within our network.ES: WITH THE CORONA PANDEMIC, ARE THE PREPARATIONS OF THEARE YOUR PREPARATIONS DIFFERENT CORTEVA SEED PRODUCTION TEAMES: WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVEFROM OTHER YEARS?FOR THE NEXT LUMIGEN 2021 SEASON? IN 2021? DN: Safety, as I mentioned, is our main DANIEL NITA (DN):The 2021 season isDN: The most important aspect for us isfocus. We already have the experience already under way and the key of the suc- safety. With the current situation world- of the first quarter Q1 when most of cess is the communication between allwide, our main focus is to keep all of ourour European sites operated under full parties involved in the process. Specificemployees safe. Our goal is to hold our- country lockdowns and SPSC managed, to the treatment strategy, the Seedselves in SPSC, business partners, contrac- not only to operate at 100% capacity, Production and Supply Chain (SPSC)tors and contract manufacturing partnerswith no infected employees, but also to team are already connected with Seedto the highest standards in ethics, safety,break the records in terms of process-Applied Technologies (SAT) and theand environmental stewardship.ing, delivery and find innovative solu-Marketing team to define this seasonstions for our supply chain: new logistics approach and start the preparations.ES: HOW IMPORTANT WAS THEroutes. In several locations, after being FEEDBACK FROM FARMERS FOR YOURaudited by officials, we were asked to ES: IS THERE ANYTHING DIFFERENT INAPPROACH? share our plans as recognized good THE APPROACH FOR 2021 COMPAREDDN: Feedback is always a gift and it ispractices.TO THE PAST YEAR? very important for us to stay close to ourI am proud to have the best teams DN: Considering the treatment restric- customers, understand their needs soworking in each of our locations and tions across the EU, we continue towe can constantly improve and providecurrently we are finishing the field review the way we operate and maketailor made solution and show them theactivities (detasseling, rouging) and sure that we utilize at maximum ourpassion and power that is behind everyfocus on the last important steps: har-processing capacity and align with thebag of seed. As SPSC team, we will con- vest and processing. Up to now, thanks Corteva strategy. We continue to supporttinue to assert ourselves as the industryto the dedication and engagement of the regional teams for product registrationleader and continue to deliver high qual- teams all activities were completed as to allow us flexibility and promote theity seed on time. planned.CONTENT MARKETINGWhy Your Virtual Event Shouldnt Look Like Pac-ManKYLE DRATOWANYMedia DeveloperCreate by Issues InkTodays video games look stunning. Thewebinars and meetings struggling to getentation, or view a promotional video use of CGI and other augmented real- attendees. that brings the field, keynote speaker ity technologies make the images andMake it Immersive: Whether your vir- or opening ceremony to them.animation look almost real. Now stoptual event is a field day and your settingTake the Time: Going to the trouble and compare todays video games tois on the edge of a wheat field, or a tradi- of fine-tuning these pieces will pay off old arcade games, the kind you pluggedtional suit-and-tie conference, dont forgetand your audience will be impressed. quarters into or played at home on theto add the small elements and details thatAnyone can easily set up a webinar and original Nintendo system. While Illtheyd recognize from the real eventswalk through a PowerPoint presenta-always have a soft spot for Pac-Man,theyre used to attending in person. tion, and if thats all your offer, that is those old games cant hold a candle toBe Consistent: Replicate the lookexactly how it will feel to your audi-what modern ones can do. and feeling of your previous events soencekind of phoned-in. You want MycolleagueRuskinJohnsonyour attendees arent taken aback by athem to come away thinking, Wow! recently wrote about how to go aboutfun kitschy vibe when you are normallyThat really looked great, howd you do organizing a great virtual event. A cru- formal and buttoned up. that? I didnt think you did that sort of cial part to this is designing the inter- Use it to Your Advantage: Dont thinkthing? Wherever you can, add anima-face. Ive been doing this for a while andof it as a disadvantage that you cant seetion, music, bring up the speakers titles have learned that there is a big differencepeople in-person this year. Use all theon the screen, and capture some great between a memorable virtual event and atools at your disposal to strengthen yourfootage to add that extra layer some mediocre one is how it looks. connection with your audience. Offer anpeople might be forgetting.If you do it right, your company willeasy to access location for attendees toIf you dont currently have anyone make a name for itself as a go-to creatordownload support materials that theyin-house who can accomplish these of virtual conferences and field days. Domight pass up otherwise, chat with rep- things then its well worth the invest-it wrong, and you may find your futureresentatives, attend a polished live pres- ment to hire someone who does.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 31'