b'SEED HANDLINGSortex Leaves a Lasting ImpressionARON DEMETER Head of Segment Grains & PulsesBhler SortexTwelve years ago, I travelled to HungaryOver the years our Sortex technologyby early 1951 a total of seventy of these to visit an agricultural seeds customer.has been on a steady journey of evolution,workhorse machines had been installed in During a break, I stopped off next to abecoming more and more innovative andthe UK and other countries. Our brand has roadside company which was sellingstreamlined. We are always adapting togone from strength to strength ever since.seeds. There I met an elderly lady andchanging requirements, with smaller foot- In the agricultural seed industry, we began conversing. She told me thatprints, automation and better efficiency. domestic and international regulations 40 years ago shed worked for a seed pro- Sortex began in May 1947, with twoare becoming stricter. The challenge cessing company. They used colour sort- Hungarian brothers looking for waysis to consistently remove specific hard ing machines, which were installed into speed up the practice of handpick- to detect foreign seeds and weeds to rows against a 25-meter wall, each ableing seeds. They hired a small team ofensure food safety. Our Sortex aim is to process around 30-50 kg per hour.scientists, following the lead of Bhlerto find out the specific pain points of Racking her brain, she vaguely recalledapprentice Herbert Fraenkel, later to beour customers so that we can best help that the manufacturer was called some- recognized as the father of optical sort- them and through collaboration, provide thing like Shortex.ing. A machine was eventually developedtailor made solutions for their specific At that point I began to smile, point- which would improve the quality of seedsrequirements. We pride ourselves on our ing to my turquoise t-shirt that displayedfor trade, the SORTEX G1, the first everlong-term commitment to nurturing and the Sortex logo. Her eyes immediately litSortex optical sorter.upholding our customer relationships.up: Ah yes thats it, Sortex! I explainedAt the end of 1948, Sortex sold aAs I said goodbye to the lady, I sat how nowadays just one small sorter (ablebatch of five machines to a companyback in my car and began to think. Few to process 1 ton per hour) can handle thecalled Bachelors Peas, now known glob- brands are able to bring a smile to peo-same capacity for which multiple sortersally as Unilever. Soon after, Bachelorsples faces after 40 years, Sortex is truly were needed back in the 60s.Peas ordered an additional 20 sorters andone of a kind.Virtual is the new normalLets talk and get started on your new normal877 \x1f710 \x1f3222 CREATE.ISSUESINK.COMOur virtual platforms give you the power to reach and connect with a world-wide audience, tailoring your events to meet your business goals.We provide an effective platform for networking and conducting business with partners throughout the seed industry, enabling the most effective use of technology.This opportunity offers increased exposure and an extended window to connect with potential customers and clientele.Extend event reach Create unique experiences by organizing better and more effective meetings and eventsEstablish and strengthen the relationship between exhibitors, speakers, and attendees or create communityBuild strong partnerships between you and the people vwho assist in organizing and running the conferenceC REATES T R AT E G Y & M A R K E T I N G32IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'