b'EUROPEANS ON TODAYS FOOD ISSUES: EU-WIDE SURVEY ON FOOD SAFETYBY: EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITYT wo in 5 Europeans take a personal interest in food safetyEFSA Executive Director Bernhard Url said: It is and only 1 in 5 say it is their main concern when choos- almost 10 years since the last EU-wide survey on this topic. ing food. For most Europeans it is one of several factorsSociety has changed so much in this time and the way wetogether with price, taste, nutrition and food originthat influ- produce and consume food has evolved too.ence their eating habits and food choices. The 2019 survey was developed together with EU These are some of the many insights from a newMember States to take on board new perspectives and Eurobarometer survey by EFSA, published on the first everensure closer contact with citizens. It still allows some World Food Safety Day, held June 7. useful comparisons with previous surveys.World Food Safety Day gives consumers, producers and gov- It is reassuring to see that Europeans are not overly ernments a chance to focus on an issue that is often taken forconcerned about the food on their plates. I believe this is granted according to the United Nations. Our survey results sug- not by coincidence but rather thanks to advances in science gest that most Europeans (55%) have a high level of awareness ofand technology, which have helped to improve food stand-food safety topics and two-thirds have changed their behaviourards and hygiene practices, added Dr Url.as a result of receiving information about food safety issues.NO SINGLE OVER-RIDING SAFETY CONCERNFIRST EU FOOD SAFETY SURVEY SINCE 2010 When food safety is a factor, there is no single concern that I am delighted that finally there is a day that marks the impor- predominates in all EU countries. However, there are three tance of food safety and recognises the valuable work of womenissues that surface most frequently in 20 EU Member States and men, farmers, veterinarians, agronomists, chefs, and soor more: the misuse of antibiotics, hormones and steroids in many more, who work hard every day to make sure that thefarm animals (44%), pesticide residues in food (39%), and food that goes on our plates is safe, said Commissioner forfood additives (36%).Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis. The results ofThese were also among the main concerns reported in this study show that Europeans have a high level of awarenessthe 2010 Eurobarometer on food safety. Yet, Europeans seem of food safety topics and care what they eat. This gives us evenless concerned than they were before about issues such as greater motivation to continue our work in ensuring that ourGMOs and new issues such as microplastics have appeared high standards are maintained and also strive to achieve moreon the food safety radar for the first time.sustainable production and consumption patterns.58IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'