b"use of certified seeds, the seeds used by Danish farmers is of very high quality and is produced by specialized seed producing companies. Some of these are private companies, however, the major-ity of the seeds is produced and sold by companies or agri-cooperatives owned by Danish farmers.SPECIALTIES OF THE DANISH SEED SECTORThe main reasons for the strength and growth of the Danish seed sector are manifold. I could mention (not in order of importance): the tradition, the climate, the geographical position (day length), the organisational level, the dedicated growers, the export oriented and global/regional view by companies, the constant search for improved varie-ties, the common research goals, goodThe Old Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark, seat of Variety Denmark.relations with authorities and the inter-national perspective, says Elmegaard. Thegrassseedproductioninand science-based regulation, and accessthe discussion body on this topic. Our Denmark is growing as is the Danishto some of the new techniques, specifi- clear signal is that EU should not isolate share in the European production. Thiscally those that do not differ from whatitself from international movements. We is due to many of the above-mentionedwe already do today and what occurs insupport a global free trade, innovation, factors, in fact the total set-up of thenature already. The situation that we areand therefore, we need the EU to solve seed sector, adds Elmegaard.facing today is very challenging. We arethe current situation, otherwise we (the Erichsen concurs: I am proudlosing innovative tools. At the same time,seed industry, the society) will lose inno-to say that the production of seeds init can cause severe trade barriers for agri- vation power. From the plant breeding Denmark is associated with very highcultural commodities. We need to makeside, we know very well that the introduc-quality, which gives Danish seed a strongsure that we explain all this to the gen- tion of targeted genetic variation in crops position on both national, Europeaneral public and gain their confidence andcan help to mitigate the effects of climate and global markets. And this goes fortrust. Having such rules in place meanschangeand promote a more sustaina-grasses, potatoes and cereals. there is great potential for a high-perform- ble and robust plant production. Even A similar high quality applies to theing, innovative and diversified solutions inbroader, making crops more resilient Danish approach to royalty collection onplant breeding and seed sectors leadingcan help us in our fight towards achiev-Farm Saved Seed. Erichsen highlightsto a better and more efficient agriculture.ing the UNs sustainable development that Variety Denmark has a very tightAt the same time this would strengthengoals. He adds: On the last EU council and stringent Royalty Collection system.Europes resilience to climate change andmeeting many member statesincluding We believe it to be very efficient, also inwould have multiple benefits for EuropeanDenmark voiced the need for actionto relation the already high use of certifiedconsumers and the environment. solve the issues after the ECJ ruling. We seeds. are confident that the new Commission NEW PLANT BREEDINGwill work on this.CHALLENGES TECHNIQUESAccording to Elmegaard, the major chal- We do have a discussion body set up byPOLICY MAKERSlenge is the ever-decreasing number ofthe authorities with participants fromElmegaard confirms that the Danish plant protection products (PPPs). Thisthe seed sector, NGOs, researchers/ Seed Council is using all possible and a major concern, as in some species weuniversities and the authorities them- necessary contacts and has the advan-will not be able to produce the neededselves to find a common position, saystage of being a member of the Danish quality. For example, if we lose diquat,Elmegaard. Almost all the participantsAgricultural and Food Council (which is some productions will disappear notare in favour of allowing the breedersmuch larger and with good contacts). We only out of Denmark but out of the EU!access to mutagenesis techniques (butset up meeting activities and send letters We are trying to face the challenge ofnot all new plant breeding techniques).to Ministries whenever issues need to be losing PPPs and the public opinion onThis is an example of the Danish Way:debated or informed about.the matter by research-trials and bysit yourself around a table, add coffeeErichsen concurs on the importance showing ways to decreased usage ofand cake and you have a forum to discussof good relations with policy makers. PPPs.these matters. Dialog helps quite often.Variety Denmark has a close relation-Erichsen adds that another majorBut we still have some work on this issueship to the Ministry of Environment and challenge is the ruling from the EU Courtas Europe is left on the train station afterAgriculture, and the agencies within. of Justice in July 2018 on the regulationthe ECJ ruling July 25th, 2018. We needHence, whenever needed we do reach out of plant breeding techniques that usesolutions. via letters or meetings. mutagenesis. In my view, the ultimate Erichsen agrees. Variety Denmark,Editor's Note: To read the entire article, goal would be to come to a practicalDAKOFO and CID were formally a part ofgo to european-seed.com.56IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM"