b'CONTENT FROM CORTEVA AGRISCIENCESUSTAINABILITY IS KEY!S eed applied technologies (SATs)agement of products and technologies are basically any protection andthroughout their life cycle and supports growth technology that is suppliedsafe and sustainable use. Vermazeren with the seeds in the bag, says Arendunderlines: It is a culture we foster within Vermazeren, Corteva Agriscience ProductCorteva and that is supported by product Stewardship Leader, EMEA. This canreviews ahead of commercialisation, cus-include seed treatment with fungicides,tomers, and by internal training. We think insecticides, nematicides and biologi- beyond legal requirements to ensure the cals offering a solution to the farmer andsafe use of our technology. Ultimately thereby maximising her or his productiv- applicators and farmers need to under-ity. Once the seeds are in the ground,stand both the benefits and limitations of they are vulnerable to early season pestsour technology and use it properly so it can and diseases, and seed applied technol- be part of the solution for years to come.ogies get crops off to a good start. AsSeed Applied Technologies provide significantAs with any business, you will need all famers will confirm, successful cropbenefits to the environment, health and safety. to make sure your products stand out establishment is a key driver for the finalfrom the competition. Vermazeren con-yield, he says.the seeds, good flowability and very lowtinues: It starts by selecting molecules When using treated seeds, farm- dust-off during seeding. in our discovery process that are best-ers expect a range of benefits such asThe exposure of non-target organ- in-class. Of course, one of the selection the ease of handling and use, seedlingisms is mostly limited to the contact tocriteria is effectivity against a pest or protection and vigour, prevention fromthe seeds themselves and their immedi- stressor, but we also look at the toxico-disease transmission, seed-borne dis- ate (millimetres) surroundings, wherelogical and environmental properties in eases, vector-borne diseases, the pre- the product residues (active substance ordeciding what compounds we develop. dation of seed and seedling, and alsodegradation products) are more likely toFrom a selected compound to SAT in the the facilitation of early planting, andbe present, says Alix. As the plant grows,bag still takes quite some development the yield benefits associated with theonly phytophagous insects that feed offincluding recipes and rigorous testing provided protection above mentioned,the plant may be exposed to pesticide res- on plantability, ease of application, seed says Anne Alix, Corteva Agriscienceidues, which confers the so-called selec- safety and efficacy amongst others in labs Senior Scientist, Environmental Risktivity of the treatment towards the pests,and in the field. Assessment & Risk Management. Thissparing the insects that do not feed offAlix agrees: The development of means that with negligible exposurethe plant. Alix continues: For each use ofa seed treatment shows the successful to beneficial insects and pollinators,a product, a complete risk assessment iscombination of an application technique treated seeds can enter in a numberperformed that evaluates the exposure ofresponding to precision agriculture crite-of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)humans, non-target organisms and bene- ria, with a molecule selected for chemical, Strategies for diseases and pests, sheficial insects. toxicological and environmental proper-adds. Another thing I would like to men- ties that allow an optimized efficacy on Vermazeren agrees. Id like to high- tion is that SATs are providing benefitstargets while meeting the high standards light that our companys SATs are sig- to consumers as well, says Vermazeren.of safety to humans (users and consum-nificantly helping environment, healthBecause at the end of the day, the con- ers) and the environment. Corteva has and safety. With SATs, we offer targetedsumer wants high quality food produceddeveloped a range of seed treatments solutions applied directly to the seed pre- in a sustainable way, i.e. low impact onthat gather the properties to be effective cisely where and when they are needed.humans and the environment. But sus- and safe to human health and to the envi-This means that the products are activetainable also means providing a solutionronment.in the root zone, and that the exposure toto the food producer i.e the farmer, now the farmer or operator, and to beneficialand in years to come. SATs fit perfectly, , SM Trademarks and service marks insects and the environment is limited.in an integrated and sustainable way ofofDowAgroSciences,DuPontor What is also great about our SATs is thatfood production. Pioneer, and their affiliated compa-the recipes ensure a strong adherence toStewardship is the responsible man- nies or their respective owners.2018 2019Corteva Agriscience, agricultureCorteva Agriscience is formed ondivision of DowDuPont, is unveiled. June 1, 2019, as a stand-alone company.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 37'