40 I EUROPEAN SEED I EUROPEAN-SEED.COM T ake-all disease in cereals is caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. This pathogen survives in the soil on infected cereal and grass residues. It infects the root tissue of young plants and spreads from plant to plant in the form of hyphae growing through the soil. In severe attacks, yield loss levels of 40 to 50 per cent are often recorded. As there are no resistant varie- ties it is of crucial importance for farmers to have the possibility to combat this dis- ease before most of the harvest is lost. Certis has recently taken over the distribution of Latitude, which is an important product in the European market for the control of take-all dis- ease, so this is a significant change for both Certis and the market. To find out more, European Seed spoke with Jacques Haverlant, Portfolio Lead for Seed Treatment for Certis Europe. ES: What is Latitude exactly? JH: Latitude® products are specialised fungicide seed treatments, used mainly for wheat and barley, which allow growers and seed companies to control the devas- tating take-all disease. And I am happy to announce that our parent company Mitsui & Co., Ltd has now finalised the agree- ment to acquire all the assets related to Monsanto’s Latitude business, including trademarks, registrations and manufac- turing knowledge. I should add that no personnel are included in the acquisition. I know from our internal discussions, that both Mitsui & Co., Ltd and Monsanto are very pleased at the successful conclusion of this deal especially because of the com- panies’ long-term relationship and history of collaboration. For Mitsui the agreement offers great opportunities to expand its range of cereal seed treatment products both in and outside Europe. Certis Europe and our sister company Spiess Urania have taken over the sales and marketing in all countries where Latitude products are sold, and customers will have seamless access to the products. Our companies PROMOTED CONTENT: CERTIS HOW TO COMBAT TAKE-ALL DISEASE IN CEREALS? CERTIS EUROPE AND SPIESS URANIA TO DISTRIBUTE LATITUDE® PRODUCTS Jacques Haverlant, Portfolio Lead for Seed Treatment for Certis Europe will continue to offer existing brands and products in the sector. ES: Why was it important to acquire the distribution rights to this product? JH: Latitude products are a significant strategic addition to the Certis portfolio providing the opportunity to extend the territory where the company operates in seed treatment markets. As you may know, to date, activity has centred mainly on France. But now with the new deal, Latitude products will be provided on a wider access, especially into the other two large markets, UK and Germany, but we will also branch out into other coun- tries. What is so great about this deal is that it also complements the existing portfolio: Latitude products will partner well with Certis products to create com- bined offers providing broader market access and improved solutions. ES: How long has Certis been distrib- uting seed treatment products? JH: Seed treatment products have been part of the Certis distribution portfolio for more than 15 years and in 2006, it acquired a global licence from Janssen for imazalil, which is also used for seed treatment, and has since maintained its registration and expanded sales. More recently Mitsui has invested in a seed treatment formulation research centre at the Japan Agro Services facility in France. In reaching this agreement with Monsanto, Mitsui has made a significant further investment in its seed treatment portfolio, strengthening its position in this sector. This important acquisition will provide a platform on which the Certis seed treatment portfolio can be built through future product licensing and innovation and development, includ- ing new chemistry from Japan-based R&D companies. ES: How does the product fit in with the rest of your other products? JH: The whole company is excited at the significance of this deal for Certis and Spiess Urania. Latitude products are highly recognised speciality prod- ucts with a strong brand image and, as such, fit extremely well with our corpo- rate positioning. They also complement our existing portfolio exceptionally well and will represent an important part of our seed treatment business. I know for a fact that the teams involved are dedi- cated to making it a success for us and our customers and to making the most of the great opportunities open to us, both in our existing seed treatment markets as well as new markets. Wheat field infected with take-all disease. (Photo Blackthorn Arable)