70 GERMINATION.CA NOVEMBER 2018 legislative processes, combined with his leadership skills, will help the Seed VCRT move forward on its priorities.” The VCRT consists of plant breeders, seed growers, seed conditioners, dis- tributors, exporters, retailers and finally the farmers, which are the end users. It provides a dialogue between government and industry members, its key objectives being to identify issues and opportunities along the value chain; share a variety of different perspectives; enable collaborative industry/government/farmer action; and provide advice on regulatory, research and policy questions. AGRONOMIX SOFTWARE WELCOMES INTERNATIONAL SALES REP Agronomix Software announces the recent hire of Zacharie Fowler as international sales representative. In his role, Fowler will look to strengthen the ever-evolving global expansion of Agronomix. He aims to increase corporate presence in existing markets and develop new opportunities for the company. POLICY CANOLA COUNCIL RECEIVES FUNDING INJECTION The Canola Council of Canada has received a funding boost from the federal government. Agriculture minis- ter Lawrence MacAulay announced up to $12.1 million in funding to the Canola Council of Canada under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, AgriScience Clusters. Building on the work of two previous clusters, this research investment includes an additional industry con- tribution of up to $8.1 million. PRODUCT LA COOP FÉDÉRÉE TO ROLL OUT NEW AG BRAND IN 2019 The agri-business division of La Coop fédérée announced that it will change its name to Sollio Agriculture in winter 2019. “It was becoming essential to give the agri-business division of La Coop fédérée a strong identity that encom- passes the realities of farmers and allows us to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. The change in identity is part of our strategic plan, which more than ever is committed to ensuring the prosperity of Canadian farming families,” said Sébastien Léveillé, executive vice- president, agri-business division. The brand will be officially rolled out early in 2019 to support the organization’s corporate activities. TheHeadlines Submissions welcome: news@issuesink.com March 11 & 12, 2019 Hyatt Regency – Calgary, AB Elevating the discussion in agriculture GERMINATION - 1/2 Page Horizontal - 7.125” x 4.75” AdvancingWomenConference.ca or call 403-686-8407 R e g i s t e r T o d a y ! S E A T I N G I S L I M I T E D . Advancing Women In Agriculture Conference