44 GERMINATION.CA NOVEMBER 2018 Timelines: 1. Expression of Interest – the deadline for submitting the EOI is November 30, 2018. Interested parties are welcome to engage in discussions with the CDC Managing Director and pertinent pulse breeders pertaining to their interests. All discussions and submissions will be treated confidentially by the CDC. Expressions of interest must include: a.  The background information of the individual or organization, the nature of the business, number of years in operation and experience in collaborating with research organizations. b.  The nature of the collaboration, for example, involvement in general or specific cultivar development, use of a technology platform or breeding tools, access to varieties for distribution, marketing, processing and/or utilization, creating a value chain to link unique genetic traits to the market, etc. Proponents are encouraged to be creative regarding the nature of the collaboration. c.  The expected financial offer – both in direct cash and in-kind contributions. d. The anticipated duration of the collaboration. 2. Application for Collaboration – The CDC will review all EOIs submitted and the selected proponents will be invited on January 31, 2019 to submit full applications to the CDC. The application package will include evaluation criteria and a term sheet containing the terms and conditions of a collaborative agreement with successful parties. Applications will be due by April 30, 2019. Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of the competition by July 31, 2019. 3. Collaborative Research Agreement – Successful applicants will enter into funding agreements that outline the provisions of the term sheets for execution by January 31, 2020 with an effective date of funding commencement of October 1, 2020 Notes: I. We understand it takes time to plan for long-term engagements in plant breeding, hence we are providing adequate time for potential investors and collaborators to deliberate within their organizations as well as engage with members of the CDC. II. As a public institution, all CDC varieties are owned by the University of Saskatchewan. Licensing options are used to provide the mechanism for economic benefits in the marketplace. III. All varieties are and will be protected in Canada under Plant Breeders’ Rights and those marketed in the US are protected under Plant Variety Protection (PVP). Future varieties will also be protected in countries with UPOV’91 compliance as a pre-emptive measure against unauthorized production. Crop Development Centre 51 Campus Drive Saskatoon SK S7N 5A8 Canada Telephone: (306) 966-5855 Facsimilie: (306) 966-5015 Web: agbio.usask.ca/crop-development-centre PARTNER CONTENT