40 GERMINATION.CA MARCH 2019 Excellence R2X RR 2Xtend 3000 HU 2 year clay yield index 91% loam yield index 94% SCN Resistance AA Tolerance to White Mold Short, compact variety suited to lighter, fertile soils Executive R2X RR 2Xtend 3200 HU 2 year clay and loam yield indices of 108% SCN Resistance AA Tolerance to White Mold Strong performance in official yield trials OAC Bruton Conventional Soybean 2975 HU 2 year clay yield index 107%loam yield index 102% SCN Resistance Potential OAC Kent replacement, with higher protein levels, slightly improved lodging rating, similar height, and larger seed size. Yellow hilum with great potential for IP food-grade market OAC Ramsay Conventional Soybean 3075 HU 2 year clay yield index 100% loam yield index 98% SCN Resistance Tall, yellow hilum variety featuring SCN resistance and strong yields. Sister line to OAC Bruton with suitability for IP foodgrade soybean markets TIMOTHY Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Use Yield Merit Tested in Canada (Y/N) Highlights BrettYoung brettyoung.ca 800-665-5015 Catapult Hay & Pasture Excellent Yes Exceptional yield and summer regrowth Tall plant with superior seedling vigor Excellent winter survival Impactor Hay & Pasture Excellent Yes High yielding medium maturity Very good forage quality Excellent disease resistance DLF PICKSEED Canada 800-661-GROW dlfpickseed.ca Sahara DT Hay/Pasture Excellent Yes Replicated Private Trials Early maturity Excellent drought tolerance Very good forage quality Excellent seasonal forage yield Very good spring vigour WHEAT Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Maturity Yield Disease/Pest Resistance Highlights FP Genetics 877-791-1045 fpgenetics.ca CDC Adamant VB CWRS -2 days vs. AC Carberry 111% AC Carberry I - FHB R to Stem Rust I to Leaf Rust MS to Stripe Rust Wheat stem sawfly and wheat midge tolerance Top in class stem solidness rating Early maturing High protein AAC Goldrush CWRW M Maturity 110% CDC Buteo I - FHB MR to Stem Rust R to Leaf Rust I to Stripe Rust Very high yielding Excellent winter hardiness Early maturing Strong straw and medium height Very good rust package Strong disease package Proven Seed 403-603-6000 provenseed.ca AAC Entice CPSR Equal to Carberry 112% Carberry R Stem Rust R Leaf Rust I FHB Excellent rust resistance High yields Great disease package CDC Hughes VB  CWRS -1 Days to Carberry 102% Carberry R Stem Rust 1 FHB Midge tolerant variety Excellent standability Heavy bushel weight Richardson Pioneer/ Syngenta Canada 877-710-3222 SY Obsidian CWRS 1.4 days earlier than Carberry 100% of Carberry MS - FHB R to Leaf rust MR to stem rust Medium plant height Strong straw SeCan 800 665 7333 secan.com AAC Tisdale CWRS -1 day Carberry 105% Carberry MR - FHB R to leaf and stem rust S to Stripe rust High Protein Strong straw MR to FHB AAC Goodwin CPSR -1 day Carberry 116% Carberry I to FHB R to Leaf rust and stripe rust I to stem rust Short strong straw High protein CPSR AAC Paramount VB CWSWS + 1 day Carberry 131% Carberry MS to FHB R to Stripe rust I to stem and leaf rust Improved soft white milling Midge tolerant AAC Awesome VB CWSP Maturity equal Carberry 135% Carberry I to FHB R to Stripe rust and stem rust MR to leaf rust Special purpose with soft white kernel  Midge tolerant AAC Stronghold CWAD +2 days Strongfield 104% AC Strongfield MS to FHB R to leaf and stem rust Short strong straw Solid stem for saw fly protection Seed Depot 204-825-2000 seeddepot.ca Bolles CWRS +1 days Carberry 104% Carberry R to Stem Rust MR to Stripe Rust I to FHB 0.8% higher protein than Carberry 1cm shorter than Carberry Better lodging than Carberry