38 GERMINATION.CA MARCH 2019 FESTOLIUM Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Use (Hay or Grazing) Yield Merit Tested in Canada (Y/N) Highlights DLF PICKSEED Canada 800-661-GROW dlfpickseed.ca Achilles Hay N/A Yes Replicated Private Trials Meadow Fescue X Italian Ryegrass Excellent forage yield in the seeding year Excellent forage quality Excellent disease resistance FLAX Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Maturity Yield Disease/Pest Resistance Highlights SeCan 800-665-7333 secan.com AAC Bright +2 days CDC Bethune 94% of CDC Bethune Bright yellow seed coat Good fit in food and baking products Good lodging resistance AAC Prairie Sunshine +3 days CDC Bethune 105% of CDC Bethune Good lodging resistance Best fit in high production areas CDC Buryu +1 days CDC Bethune 105% of CDC Bethune 108% of CDC Bethune in long season areas Seed slightly larger than CDC Bethune MILLING OATS Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Maturity Yield Disease/Pest Resistance Highlights SeCan 800-665-7333 secan.com ORe3541M White hulled milling oat -2 days of AC Morgan 98% of AC Morgan R to Crown Rust Short strong straw High % plump  ORe3542M White hulled milling oat -1 day of AC Morgan 100% of AC Morgan R to Crown Rust Short strong straw Extremely high % plump Seed Depot 204-825-2000 seeddepot.ca Experimental OT6021 To Be Named Similar to AC Morgan 105% of Leggett MR Crown Rust Lowest thins % over Dancer Morgan Summit and Leggett Higher Average yield than all checks in Manitoba 2016-2017 96% plump ORCHARDGRASS Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Use (Hay or Grazing) Winter Hardiness Merit Tested in Canada (Y/N) Highlights BrettYoung brettyoung.ca 800-665-5015 Trailburst Hay & Pasture Very Good Yes Excellent yield and quality Excellent seedling vigor Selected for rust resistance Proven Seed 403-603-6000 provenseed.ca Blizzard Dual Purpose 3.04 N Superior winter hardiness Medium-late maturing  Improved stand persistence RED CLOVER Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Use (Hay or Grazing) Winter Hardiness Merit Tested in Canada (Y/N) Highlights BrettYoung brettyoung.ca 800-665-5015 Bearcat Hay & Pasture Excellent Yes Aggressive Regrowth and Persistence Grazing tolerance Excellent yield and disease resistance RYEGRASS Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Use (Hay or Grazing) Yield Merit Tested in Canada (Y/N) Highlights FP Genetics 877-791-1045 fpgenetics.ca KWS ProGas Hybrid Rye Forage Variety High Biomass Increased tonnage over competition Large root system improves water and nutrient uptake Vigorous growth makes it a strong competitor to most weeds – perfect for grazing SOYBEANS Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Maturity Yield Disease/Pest Resistance Highlights Bayer/Dekalb 888-283-6847 dekalb.ca DKB0005-44 RR2X/SCN 2175 CHU 000.5 RM Excellent Excellent White mould tolerance Very good field tolerance to Phytophthora root rot and Brown stem rot Excellent standability with branchy, medium height Ultra-early variety, place in appropriate maturity zone