4 GERMINATION.CA MARCH 2018 JEFFREY BERTHOLET jeffrey.bertholet@basf.com Jeff serves as technical development manager for BASF Canada. He received both his bachelor’s degree in agriculture and master’s in weed science from the University of Manitoba. He has more than 30 years of agricultural industry experience in both Eastern and Western Canada. He’s also been involved with a number of associations and professional organiza- tions, including the Canadian Seed Trade Association. RON DEPAUW rdepauw@secan.com Science adviser for SeCan through his company Advancing Wheat Technologies, Ron DePauw is known as the seed sector’s Billion Dollar Man. Up to 55 per cent of all of the wheat grown in Canada is derived from cultivars he helped develop. Ron has received numerous awards including the Order of Canada, Saskatchewan Order of Merit and an Honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Saskatchewan. SARAH FOSTER sarah@2020seedlabs.ca Sarah immigrated to Canada from the United Kingdom in 1984 and founded 20/20 Seed Labs — Canada’s largest independent seed testing firm — in 1989. She studied and qualified as an accredited seed analyst at the National Institute of Agricultural Botany in Cambridge, England. RALE GJURIC rale.gjuric@haplotech.com Rale is currently the president and managing director of Haplotech, which specializes in technical and consult- ing services for the plant breeding industry. Previously, he held the positions of breeding manager for DL Seeds and research and managing director of DSV Canada. He is an accom- plished plant breeder who developed and released numerous canola varieties and hybrids. He is also director of the UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy. TODD HYRA thyra@secan.com As SeCan's western business manager, Todd focuses on developing business opportunities for SeCan’s members and industry partners. Over his time with SeCan, Todd has served on many industry boards including the Canadian Plant Technology Agency. He will take the helm as president of the Canadian Seed Trade Association in July 2018. DOUG KNIGHT dougknight5@aol.com Owner of consulting company Focus on AgriBusiness, Doug started in the seed industry in 1981. For 25 years he was part of the Syngenta team and its legacy companies. He has served as chair of the Corn and Soybean Committee of the Canadian Seed Trade Association and was a member of the CSTA board from 2007-2013. JASON MACNEVIN jmacnevin@canseedequip.com Jason has been tasked with managing a number of different processing plants over the past two decades. When approached to take over Saskatchewan’s Can-Seed Equipment, he soon realized the potential that existed and decided to buy the company in October 2015. Based in Saskatoon, he has since opened Can-Seed offices in Calgary, Alta., and in Winnipeg, Man. KIM SABOURIN ksabourin@seedinnovation.ca As communications and member engagement coor- dinator for the Canadian Seed Trade Association, Kim is responsible for all communications and works to ensure that CSTA’s membership remains engaged. Prior to joining CSTA, she worked for five years in the field of international education. JENNIFER SEWARD jennifer.seward@seedmanitoba.ca As manager of the Manitoba Seed Growers' Association, she works to provide resources and sup- port to the group's members. In this role, she is also a huge supporter of the Regional Variety Trials and sits on the Prairie Grain Development Committee’s Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale. ELLEN SPARRY esparry@redwheat.com Ellen assumed the role of general manager of Ontario's C&M Seeds in June 2015. She has 30 years’ experience in the agricultural industry and was previ- ously assistant breeder with King Agro. Ellen currently sits on the boards of the Canadian Seed Trade Association and International Seed Federation. Germination celebrates the arrival of spring with a slate of new advisers who will help guide our direction over the next number of months. INTRODUCINGOUREDITORIALBOARD