38 GERMINATION.CA MARCH 2018 CANOLA Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Maturity Yield Disease/Pest Resistance Highlights Bayer 1-888-283-6847 cropscience.bayer.ca InVigor L255PC LL +1.5 days later than the average of the checks (InVigor® 5440 and Pioneer® 45H29) 109% of the checks (InVigor® 5440 and Pioneer® 45H29) in 2016 WCC/RRC trials Pod Shatter Reduction Clubroot Resistance* R to Blackleg *To predominant clubroot pathotypes identified in Canada at the time of registration InVigor® canola is thrilled to introduce a NEW Evolution hybrid with both the patented Pod Shatter Reduction technology and clubroot resistant traits*, InVigor L255PC. Additionally, this mid-height hybrid offers outstanding yield protection, very strong standability and exceptional harvest flexibility for all mid- to long-canola growing zones in Western Canada. BrettYoung 1-800-665-5015 brettyoung.ca 4157 RR Hybrid napus RR +2.0 days 101% R (MG) to Blackleg Top yielding hybrid with unsurpassed blackleg resistance Excellent early season vigour and stand establishment Superior multi-genic blackleg resistance 4166 RR Hybrid napus RR +0.4 days 96% R (MG) to Blackleg Excellent early-season vigour Widely adapted Multi-genic blackleg resistance 4187 RR Hybrid napus RR +1.7 days 102% R (MG) to Blackleg R to Clubroot High performance with industry leading disease resistance Impressive canopy and yield Excellent standability 6090 RR Hybrid napus RR +1.4 days 104% R-CE to Blackleg R to Clubroot Industry-leading blackleg performance Top of its class for standability and harvestability The next step in yield performance CANTERRA SEEDS 1-204-988-9750 canterra.com CS2300 Hybrid napus RR Mid-Full 111% of 74-44 R-C to Blackleg New big yielding hybrid with excellent standability CS2400 Hybrid napus RR Early 98% of 74-44 R-CX to Blackleg New Early Season hybrid with very good yield potential, unique multigenic blackleg resistance and excellent standability. Multigenic blackleg resistance: R-CX CS2500 CL Hybrid napus Clearfield Mid-Full 100% of 46H75 R-C to Blackleg New Clearfield hybrid with excellent yield potential, very good standability and accepted on non-GMO crush contracts. DEKALB Canada 1-84-GO-DEKALB DEKALB.ca 75-42 CR Early 105% of L241C (2013-2017 Monsanto Field Data, n=20) 103% of D3155C (2013-2017 Monsanto Field Data, n=13) R to Blackleg - with Rlm3 and LepR3 blackleg resistance genes Clubroot resistant to pathotypes 3, 2, 5, 6, 8 Early maturity advantage Outstanding yield potential Excellent disease package Dow AgroSciences/ Nexera 1.800.667.3852 nexeracanola.ca 1024 RR Roundup Ready Mid - Long Season 107% of 1012 RR R to Clubroot R to Blackleg R to Fusarium Wilt High yielding variety with excellent early season vigour Clubroot resistant Excellent lodging resistance and standability 1026 RR Roundup Ready Mid - Long Season 107% of 1012 RR R to Clubroot R to Blackleg R to Fusarium Wilt High yielding variety with excellent early season vigour Clubroot resistant Excellent lodging resistance and standability 2024 CL Clearfield Mid - Long Season 100% of 2020 CL R to Blackleg R to Fusarium Wilt Multi-genic blackleg resistance Pod shatter reduction. Can be considered for straight cut Medium height 2026 CL Clearfield Mid - Long Season 107% of 2020 CL R to Blackleg R to Fusarium Wilt Multi-genic blackleg resistance Excellent early season vigour and standability Crop Production Services/Proven Seed 403-603-6000 provenseed.ca PV 585 GC Hybrid RR Mid Season Highest yielding multi-genic clubroot hybrid 108% of PV 580 GC R to Clubroot R to Blackleg R to Fusarium Wilt Multi-genic clubroot resistant hybrid Great standabililty Excellent alternative disease package for clubroot management CORN Company Contact Variety Name/ Type Maturity Yield Disease/Pest Resistance Highlights BrettYoung/Elite 1-800-665-5015 brettyoung.ca E44H12 R VT Double PRO RIB Complete Dual purpose 2100 CHU Excellent VT Double PRO RIB Complete Top Choice for early season areas Earlier flowering and physiological maturity Excellent yield and test weight DEKALB Canada 1-84-GO-DEKALB DEKALB.ca DKC26-40RIB VT2P Dual Purpose Silage Ready hybrid 2150 CHU Excellent European Corn Borer Corn Earworm Fall Armyworm Very good tolerance to Eye Spot Excellent emergence Strong disease package Excellent test weight and late season appearance Fast drydown helps put this hybird on the early side of its relative maturity