Ask your local retailer for more information. If you’re still using glyphosate alone for burndown, or choosing a Group 2 as a tank-mix partner, you may not be getting the control you need. Nufarm’s burndown products have multiple modes of action that deliver the power you need to stay ahead of tough weed pressures – giving your canola, cereal, pulse and soybean crops a clean head start. Turn up the burn on pre-seed weed control with BlackHawk® , CONQUER® and GoldWing® . Don’t forget your reward savings at Always read and follow label directions. BlackHawk® , CONQUER® and GoldWing® are registered trademarks of Nufarm Agriculture Inc. Real Farm Rewards™ is a trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. 57716-0118 TURN UP THE BURN G L Y P H O S A T E A L O N E GLYPHOSATE + GROUP 2 G L Y P H O S A T E plus BLACKHAWK® CONQUER® GOLDWING®