12 GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2019 is the number of seed grower members that belong to the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association. CSGA president Jonathan Nyborg says his main challenge is to remember that he’s not leading just a board, but “leading 3,500 members and 2,500 seed companies from one coast to the next, from small family farms to large multinationals. The challenge for CSGA and for the industry is the same, and that’s finding consensus and having a detailed Seed Synergy vision.” What figures do our Giants have on their minds? NUMBERS GIANT 237% is how much private investment in Canadian wheat breeding increased between 2012 and 2017, due to Canada joining UPOV 91. “BASF has made significant investments in wheat breeding,” says Anthony Parker, commissioner of the Plant Breeders’ Rights Office. “Limagrain as well has entered into some partnerships. We’re seeing massive amounts of investment from the private sector now that the intellectual property environment is much improved. It’s exceeded our expectations for sure.” is the year in which the Government of Canada wants to drive up the proportion of GDP derived from agriculture by over two per cent. 2028 is the percentage of CSGA member voice coming from Western Canada, says Kelly Chambers. “We have regional differences, we have different crops, we have different management styles and it’s important to be heard. We want to make sure that we keep that communication going, two ways.” is the number of years before the federal government will open up the seed regulations for seed regulatory modernization. “To manage change, I think it’s crucial that we’re communicating across our memberships, our organizations, making sure everyone is onboard, and hopefully with that communication, we’ll have everyone invested in and understanding where we’re going,” says Tom Greaves, president of Pitura Seeds. 3,500 2 75%