14 GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2018 “During its testing, it was grown at Saskatoon for a number of years and performed very reliably there,” Cober reports. “It is necessary to test lines in their pro- posed area of adaptation. Iron deficiency chlorosis is not an issue in Eastern Canada, while it can be a problem with some soils in Manitoba. Local testing will sort out lines that are susceptible.” Cober is currently testing early-maturing breeding material in Manitoba at AAFC Morden and Portage. He is also collaborating in a pilot project where he is devel- oping populations and sending them to Morden and Saskatoon for selection and testing with the belief that local selection may allow for even better adaptation. Billing notes that in general, breeding is now shift- ing towards the development of defensive traits and high “IHOPETHATSOYBEANSMIGHTFINDAPLACEINCANOLAROTATIONSTOALLOWFORLONGERROTATIONS ANDREDUCECANOLADISEASEPRESSURE.” –ElroyCober Glenda Clezy is an agronomy specialist at the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers. Over the last 15 years or so, Elroy Cober has been testing his early- maturing soybean lines with staff at the AAFC station in Morden, Man. Advancing Women Conference West 2018 / Germination / 7.125”x 4.75” R e g i s t e r t o d a y ! S e a t i n g i s l i m i t e d . LISTEN, LEARN, NETWORK& GROW! HYATT REGENCY CALGARY, MARCH 26 & 27, 2018 Prepare to be inspired. Acquire the life skills you need to reach your goals and live your life to your full potential. Network with women passionate about agriculture. Celebrating our 5th year in Calgary! Register today. Visit advancingwomenconference.ca or phone 403-686-8407. I feel empowered to be a better advocate for my industry and to take our farm to the next level. This conference has been a game changer for me. – Merel V., Salmon Arm, British Columbia