34 / SEEDWORLD.COM JUNE 2017 READY TO LEARN MORE? SUBMIT YOUR INQUIRY Ph: 515 332 4045 chantland@chantland.com chantland.com Seed Packaging Performance That’s What Sets Chantland MHS Apart Improve your seed bagging performance with our Compact Weigh 4300 Bagging Scale and AP1000 Integrated Automatic Bag Placer. Experience unparalleled reliability...for one firm price. Fast installation and start-up with no surprises or hidden costs is what each of our customers throughout the world has come to expect. • Fast And Efficient • Increases Workflow Productivity • Superior Weighing And Filling Accuracy Experience unparalleled reliability...for one firm price. Fast installation • Fast And Efficient • Increases Workflow Productivity Compact Weigh 4300 Bagging Scale AP1000 Integrated Automatic Bag Placer Adapting to Reality The reality for today’s broadacre grow- ers is that what works in one corner of the Cotton Belt might not work in another corner, and what works for a soybean grower in Illinois may not work for his counterpart in Mississippi, explains Bayer’s Rivenbark. Considering that, Bayer recently com- mitted nearly $1 billion for new facilities in the United States. These expenditures are part of a Bayer global investment program that started in 2013. Total capi- tal expenditures between 2013 and 2016 were approximately $3.3 billion. One of the larger expenditures was an additional $16.7 million investment in research and breeding in Lubbock, Texas, to further expand the company’s exten- sive cotton operations, plus research, breeding and trait development for the essential West Texas region. Bayer also expanded its Southeast cotton research with a new facility in Dawson, Ga. Another reality for the industry is that growing cotton is about more than how many pounds you can harvest on each acre. “The quality of that lint must grade out at premium levels to meet milling demands and to increase each grower’s opportunity for profit,” Rivenbark says. “No other cottonseed company is doing what Bayer is to advance cotton from research and development all the way to downstream marketing programs, including quality-focused programs such as Certified FiberMax Cotton, Shields Authentic Stoneville Cotton, and e3 cotton, which also focuses on environ- mental stewardship, social equitability and economic sustainability.” Looking Forward How seed companies meet the future needs of cotton growers relies on seed U.S. farmers are expected to plant 12.2 million acres of cotton in 2017, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s 21 percent more cotton acres than in 2016.