8 / SEEDWORLD.COM DECEMBER 2018 DECEMBER 2018 / THE INKERS MAIN OFFICE 1395-A S. Columbia Road PMB 360 Grand Forks, ND 58201-9907 SUBSCRIPTIONS Seed World is published six times a year. North American subscription rates are: one year USD $70, two years USD $120. The international rate for one year is USD $200. To subscribe, please email subscribe@issuesink.com. WANT MORE SEED WORLD? Follow us online at: SeedWorld.com facebook.com/SeedWorld twitter.com/seedworldmag linkedin.com/company/seed-world- media Please recycle where facilities exist. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States. CIRCULATION Dean French dfrench@issuesink.com CONTRIBUTORS Maria Brown, Elise Brown, Jennifer Carrico, Joe Funk, Treena Hein, André Moraes, Melissa Shipman, Dennis Thompson, Brian Wallheimer, James Weatherly, David Zaruk EDITORIAL BOARD R.B. Halaby, AgriCapital Betty Jones-Bliss, Purdue University John Schoenecker, HM.CLAUSE Jim Schweigert, Gro Alliance PUBLISHER Shawn Brook sbrook@issuesink.com EDITOR Julie Deering jdeering@issuesink.com MANAGING EDITOR Michelle Clarke mclarke@issuesink.com ART DIRECTOR Lesley Nakonechny lnakonechny@issuesink.com STAFF EDITORS Marcel Bruins, Alex Martin, Marc Zienkiewicz ADVERTISING/SALES Craig Armstrong carmstrong@issuesink.com Dean French dfrench@issuesink.com Sam Mostafa smostafa@issuesink.com Shelley Shultz sshultz@issuesink.com MARKETING Theresa Kurjewicz, Andres Jaramillo marketing@issuesink.com CREATIVE Lesley Nakonechny, Kyle Dratowany, Theresa Kurjewicz Q. WHAT’S THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU’VE COME ACROSS OR RECEIVED IN 2018? 1. Taking care of your mental health and showing empathy to those having a hard time is critical to success. 2. If you make time to do what’s important, all the other things will fill in around it. 3. Best advice this year was to “count your blessings.” (i.o.w. be happy with you what you have, and don’t lose too much time stressing over other things). 4. I came across a quote that has carried me through a couple situations. “Your opinion is not my reality,” by Dr. Steve Maraboli. 5. I find this to be both relevant and true: “We always look at the mountains ahead of us and forget that the mountains behind us were just as hard to climb.” 6. Take a minute each day to slow down, stop and relax. Sorter Explorer Robotics and Machine Learning for the Seed Industry Discover innovative new sorting solutions for corn, soybean and wheat CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION sales@qualysense.com +41 44 824 35 86 qualysense.com Sorter Explorer Increase Purity and Eliminate Discards Is your batch not meeting purity specs for germination, hybridity (selfs) and physical purity? Do you have to discard inventory because you cannot remove out of specs? Our experts can help you implement cus- tomized sorting solutions that will increase purity and release your product out the door! Every Kernel Counts Tired of inefficiencies during cleaning and sorting because you lose too many good seeds? Do you have to reclean and repass multiple times during peak season? At QualySense, every kernel counts! Our goal is to put more money in our customers’ pocket by reducing waste and increasing productivity. Better Inbred Lines with Less Cost How many thousands of seeds do you have to waste during testing before releasing a few right inbred lines to the next genera- tion? QSorter lets you enhance population size to come up with better inbred lines and reduces wet-chem, molecular testing and green housing by using targeted identifi- cation. How the QSorter Technology Works The proprietary and unique QSorter technology combines robotics and machine learning to measure multiple quality param- eters of each seed in just one pass at the speed of light, from 20 to 4,000 seeds per second. Seeds are first analyzed with 3D imaging and hyperspectral spectroscopy so that external and internal traits can be measured and then sorted with a 99% accuracy. Today, market leaders have adopted QualySense’s sorting solutions across 3 continents and are boosting efficien- cy in various fields, from R&D to production.