b'INSIDERSSEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESEureka: Seed Treatment and Integrated Pest ManagementNICOLAS PERRAUD Seed Applied Technology Business ManagerCorteva AgriscienceThere are several insects that aredestroy more than half of all the smalllogical profile, obviously when it is applied threatening oilseed rape production,plants.according to the recommendations on the says Maria Crj and Andrei Ciocoiu ofThe reason why Lumiposa is suchlabel. This means that these characteris-Corteva Agriscience Romania. The maina good solution to control these threetics make the product an excellent choice insects causing damage to winter oilseedinsect species is that the active ingredi- for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) rape are weevils (Ceutorhynchus spp.),ent is cyantraniliprole. This is the onlyprogrammes because it also maximises the turnip sawfly (Athalia rosae), rapeapproved treatment that has a very goodthe effectiveness of beneficial insects and beetle (Meligethes aeneus), several spe- efficacy for Phyllotreta, Athalia andother organisms. Thanks to our research, cies of flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp andPsylliodes.we know that it selectively controls pests Psylliodes spp.) and the green peachFrom an efficiency point of view,that feed on plant tissue. And from those aphid (Myzus persicae).farmers who have used Lumiposa areand official data we know that Lumiposa We are happy to say that our prod- very satisfied but consider the price stilloilseed rape seed treatments are unlikely uct Lumiposa is really good at controllingrelatively high compared with formerto pose a risk to pollinators and beneficial three major threats: Phyllotreta, Athaliatechnology that was based on neonic- arthropods due to the products toxicity and Psylliodes. otinoids. We should not forget that inprofile in combination with low to no Although these insects may beRomania, one bag of 2 million kernels isexposure levels. small, they can cause huge damage tosufficient for planting 3 to 3.3 hectares,Seeing the good success with the oilseed rape fields. If we look at a normalwhereas in other countries this is suffi- product, we are now planning to release year in terms of rainfall, damage cancient for at least 4, and in some cases 5 ha. Lumiposa in several other countries like be as high as 10-25 per cent. However,One of the nice things that we reallyHungary, Poland and Moldova in 2020 and it gets much worse under drought con- like about Lumiposa is that it has a2021. ditions, where these three insects canfavourable toxicological and eco-toxico-CORN, SORGHUM AND OILSEEDSDeveloping Early Genetics for the African MarketFREDERIC GUEJSorghum Market Development ManagerEuralisEuralis Semences is actively workinging organised local chains and securingadapted to long cycle varieties, we pro-on genetics for the African market andproduction. Preserving the smallholdervide solutions with our short-cycle vari-we have started to position and test ourcash flow through input financing sys- eties and therefore limit the destruction early European hybrids on the Africantems with the help of the processor whocaused by certain insects or pathogens continent from west to east and north tosecures his needs is just one example.and still make harvest possible. African south, with encouraging results.Another objective would be to assistfarmers can make good use of the oppor-In particular, we are developing earlyfarmers with the help of our agronomists,tunities presented by our European genetics Euralis maize (Early Tropicalstudy solutions and organise training togenetics.Dent genetics), sorghum (hybrid fordevelop our European genetics, whileIn Europe, with its varied climate grain and forage) and sunflower (linoleicassessing the feasibility of projects beforeand 85% of land lacking irrigation, we and mid or high oleic 90 per cent). Wethey launch.were forced to develop varieties that are also have solutions for African farmersThere could several benefits ofmore adapted to water stress and random located in higher altitudes, with our soy- Euralis Semences genetics for Africanclimatic variations. At the end of the day, beans (earliness group OOO to II) andfarmers. Nowadays, unfortunately, cli- our desire is to create new opportunities winter oilseed rape hybrid (P genetics).mate change in Africa is introducingwith African farmers and processors.These are all non-GMO Euralis Semencesnew challenges that must be dealt with,Our key motto is, Understanding, genetics. but our early hybrid genetics should helpadapting our genetics and building To that end, we work on differentto reduce these risks and the stressescommon projects with partners in Africa.projects. We want to encompass thethat go with them via shorter cultivation entire chain, from the processor to thecycles and greater productivity. smallholder, with the aim of develop- To cope with certain pests that are 22IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'