b'Similarly, several of our coarse parthenocarpic gherkins [wonis in close contact with retailers since they also have an impact over] growers [with] their plasticity during temperature andon the variety choice by the growers.humidity fluctuations during vegetation, Aust adds. At Meridiem Seeds we can be proud that absolutely all of Bals company is investing heavily in developing moreour departments, from R&D to commercial to marketing are robust vegetable varieties that can cope well with a wide range ofin close contact. This is more difficult to have in a large multi-conditions in different climate zones. Thats necessary becausenational, but Meridiem Seeds is a family in which we all come the world around us is changing and climate conditions are eventogether, adds Gonzlez-Cabezuelo. more extreme. Our breeder, Juan Cabaas, knows the field well, both Our customers are located in geographical areas with greatpersonally and through our commercials and developers. This diversity of climatic and soil conditions, ranging from cold areasallows us to know the needs of producers in real time and first-to semiarid areas through warm areas, more or less rainy, sayshand, and even anticipate events in some cases.Gonzlez-Cabezuelo. That is why a special effort is needed toR&D and marketing are closely involved on the decision be able to evaluate in situ the behaviour of all our varieties andmaking for every product profile to be considered, says Abad. to forward those that better adapt to each zone. All this is supported with a powerful trialling organization and data collection and analysis, which we believe to be one of our INVESTMENT PER VARIETY very strong points. Therefore, when a variety is launched there Cucumber can be a fast crop, reaching three generations per yearis a deep data analysis behind to support that decision.and DH technology is also making a significant difference. Abad adds: This makes it possible to go faster than the five years perMarket requirements are changing prototype and two years for the adaptation testing model.Aust indicates that it is very difficult to provide an estimaterapidly, and plant breeders are of the time and cost needed to produce one variety. Breedingforced to work continuously on a wide is based on many genotypes and their combinations, which are continuously tested and evaluated.portfolio of types, causing higher We can develop and test a cucumber variety from a breed-ing point of view with all the positive characteristics, but it willdemands on time and costs. not find the expected application, even for 15 years. On the other hand, within five years we can develop a variety that will quicklyRadek Austbecome one of our best-selling cucumbers. The requirements of the market are changing rapidly over time and we are forcedTHE FUTURE OF GRAFTINGto work continuously on a wide portfolio of types, which bringsIn the Spanish Almeria area, the use of grafting in cucumber is higher time demands and costs in breeding. not common to-date, however this will become more important It takes about six to seven years before a new variety can bewith the increasing number of organic farming growers. released with a new trait, says Bal.Without a doubt the development of lines that are resistant Gonzlez-Cabezuelo notes that from the acquisition of theto soil diseases is a challenge that must be assumed in the short starting germplasm to the commercialization of a variety canterm and in which Meridiem Seeds is immersed, says Gonzlez-take up to 10 years. However, the use of new biotechnologicalCabezuelo.tools can shorten these times. The use of double-haploid lines,Grafting is not really that important, only in glasshouses molecular tools such as markers linked to genes of interest orand some specific plastic houses, says Abad. There is still a resistance-bioassays are common in different breeding pro- significant number of segments without grafting. The decision grams. All of this is undoubtedly a great investment in infra- for grafting is a combination of Endurance to long term yield, structure and equipment as well as in personnel. Currently,some diseases (mostly FORC) and cosmetic or trendy decisions Meridiem Seeds invests more than 20 per cent of its annual salesare also playing a significant role.in research. Most cucumbers are not grafted, says Suelmann. In the Developing new varieties is an ongoing process, so everymarkets where they are grafted it is hard to move away from it. year varieties are delivered to the market, says Suelmann. ButVery high levels of root resistance are required which still will if you count from start to introduction it takes five to 10 years.not give a complete protection.Cost of development go up due to novel techniques that makeThere is only limited attention for grafting, says Bal. Only breeding more efficient. in Asia (China and Japan) most cucumber plants are grafted. And we should not forget that grafting is relatively expensive. However, ALIGNMENT WITH GROWERS NEEDS we are seeing recently more interest in grafting on C. sativus Market survey and communication with the customers is one ofrootstocks. This gives better compatibility between the rootstock the basic processes for directing breeding goals. In addition, saysand the scion: cucumber on cucumber.Aust, there are, of course, pilot experiments as well as demon- Aust has a different view and shares that grafting is of stration areas at our stations.great importance in the cultivation of greenhouse cucumbers. Here, selected new breeding material is introduced toThe yield and resistance of our varieties are tested on non-growers and we discuss their experiences and needs. grafted plants to verify, that the variety will be yielding even Rijk Zwaan is not only selling seeds, but we also spendwith the standard cultivation practices. Potential grafting will time and energy in supporting the growers. That is the first linethen enhance the yield and quality potential. Whether the need where we have our information from. Furthermore, we are infor grafting in the future will still be so crucial depends largely close contacts with retail, supermarkets and restaurants, sayson the legislative approach to modern breeding practices such Bal. He says the supermarket increasingly defines the productas CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic they want on their shelves. From there growers, are identified toRepeats). Nanoparticles can also play a positive role in this grow the product. The influence in the chain clearly changedrespect.the last decade. For Kraan, it is almost an open door but the cooperation and communication between breeding, product development, salesMake sure to check out Part 3 of this series on page 32and customers are essential in this. Our marketing department 20IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'