b'the obvious reason for these high yields falls from the skyrain! However, there is another reason, known to crop physiologists, for these high yieldsour cool summer tempera-tures slow down grain fill and allows the crop genetics to fully express themselves. The corollary of these high yields is the need for excellent straw/stem stiffness and international plant breeders know too well the consequences of having poor straw in an Irish variety trial. I often say to our international seed partners that Ireland is the largest laboratory for wet weather plant disease experiments in the world, and I note how important it is for successful Irish varieties to have robust disease genetics. At Seedtech, we have converted this disadvantage to an advantage and are involved with plant breeders and crop protection multinationals for early gen-eration disease nurseries and for fun-gicide development experimentation.Seedtech trial site prior to harvest. Source: SeedtechIrelands cool summers are not conducive to insect population explosions, thus Irishhastening to revocation of old actives.has happened, and that border (500km growers do not know significant crop lossA good example of this is the banninglong) has more official crossing points from such pests as flea beetles in oilseedof neonicotinoids. In Ireland, the main(208) than the entire EU with its eastern rape, feeding aphids/midges in wheat oruse of neonicotinoids was for preventingneighbours (137). Due to historical ties Bruchid beetle in faba beans.aphid transfer of BYDV in winter cere- and geographical proximity, Ireland and Being an island nation, plant phy- als. Neonicotinoid technology facilitatedthe UK are intrinsically linked. Under the tosanitary rules are rigorously enforcedopportune drilling of winter cereals thustransition arrangement, it is business as by DAFM, which helps secure our seedincreasing yields, profits and reducingusual for the seed trade and we hope that industry. Pernicious grass weeds such asinefficiencies of inputs.arrangement continues.blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides)Banning them has only had delete-are extremely uncommon in Ireland andrious consequences. Winter crop drillingHYBRIDISATIONthe use of rotational grassland is usedin 2019 is only 50% of average as growersAs the seed industry worldwide moves with great effect to ensure clean land fordelayed drilling to avoid BYDV and thetowards more hybridisation in oilseed high-grade seed multiplication. weather did the rest. Plant breeding canrape, barley and wheat, climates like offer solutions in this regard. Novel genet- Ireland with low diurnal temperature FUTURE TRENDS ics which allow the plant to yield despitefluxes offer excellent opportunities for The overwhelming trend in agriculture isBYDV infection are ready to be commer- seed production. This also helps rogueing sustainability. Whether its banning pes- cialised in Ireland and these genetics willoff-types and my own company, Seedtech, ticides, coating nitrogenous fertilisers orrequire a competent seed industry to behas successfully produced winter and developing plant-based meat substitutes,fully exploited. spring hybrid rape and hybrid barley for all these trends are converging towards aexport for over 20 years.common end positionthe world needsPLANT-BASED PROTEINto produce more from less and the seedThe trend towards plant-based meat andEXPANDING OPPORTUNITIESindustry will be the key agricultural inputmilk alternatives is rapidly transitioningThe Irish seed industry is well structured industry of the future. Getting more fromfrom obscure to mainstream. Oat milkand is fit for purpose to protect the intel-less is what the seed industry has beenis winning barista competitions on thelectual property of international breeders doing well since the first farmers gath- West Coast of America and is some- and seed-applied technology compa-ered seeds along the Euphrates andthing we can easily produce in Ireland.nies and deliver a worthwhile return on Tigris rivers some 8,000 years ago.However, the quantities required will notinvestment. We operate in a country that For the seed industry to deliverequal the feed used to supplement dairyis export-focussed, values its agriculture sustainable crop varieties, plant breed- cows even in a grass-fed system likeand is expanding for the future. ers need all the tools available to reactIreland, so that is a double-edged swordWhile this is positive, some signif-to market demands significantly quickerfor the seed industry. However, I do seeicant challenges lie ahead such as sat-than in the past. However, the biggestopportunities for expansion of proteinisfying more stringent environmental opportunity is also our biggest constraintcrops such as faba beans and soya. Theregulations and dealing with political in that the public perception of modernEU is committing funds to this goal and Ievents like Brexit. There are some obvi-breeding techniques may prohibit theiram a participant of an EU-funded projectous and less well-known benefits for use, especially within the EU. looking to facilitate the growing of moreinternational seed companies to partner protein crops in the EU called Legumeswith Irish seed industry companies and PESTICIDES Translated (legumestranslated.eu). I hope this article might expand these The publics perception of pesticidesopportunities.is clearly influencing the whole regu- BREXITlatory environment: slowing down theIreland is unique in that we have the rate of new actives being registered andonly EU/UK land border now that Brexit 16IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'