b'REGULATORYKEEPING YOU INFORMED OF LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY CHANGES IN EUROPE AND ABROAD FROM LAWSUITS TO APPROVALS TO OTHER REGULATORY ISSUES AFFECTING YOUR BUSINESS.INTERNATIONAL ers. For example, some Northwest Florida(IPM) programs, which in turn can reduce AFRICA EDGING TOWARD GREATERlawmakers have started touting hemp asthe use of irrigation water, as well as agro-ACCEPTANCE OF GENETICALLYa crop that could help farmers and timberchemical supplements and fertilizers.ENGINEERED CROPS operators who sustained massive damage Nigerias recent decision to sanction thein Octobers Hurricane Michael. BOLLIVIA - INIAF DESTROYS growing of genetically engineered BtCONTRABAND SEEDS IN COCHABAMBAcotton and Bt cowpeas could prove to be aU.S. EPA RELEASES FOR PUBLICIn order to protect the production of watershed moment for the adoption of bio- COMMENT DRAFT GUIDANCE FORcertified seeds and the economy of veg-tech breeding innovations across Africa. PLANT REGULATORS, INCLUDINGetable producers in the department The nation has the largest economy inBIOSTIMULANTS of Cochabamba, the Ministry of Rural Africa and is the most populous nation onU.S. EPA is releasing for public commentDevelopment and Lands through Iniaf the continent. So, its decision in this arenaDraft Guidance for Plant Regulators,destroyed more than 2,000 grams of con-is almost certain to influence the actions ofIncluding Plant Biostimulants.traband seeds.other African nations. In addition, NigeriasIn recognition of the growing catego- Trifn Orellana, Seed Trade Control borders are notoriously porous, making itries of products generally known as planttechnician of the National Institute of likely that its commercialized GM seedsbiostimulants, this draft document givesAgricultural and Forestry Innovation - will be smuggled to the neighboring coun- guidance on which products are (and areIniaf in Cochabamba, explained that these tries of Niger, Cameroon, Benin and Chad.not) subject to regulation under FIFRA ascontrols are carried out to strengthen the All four of these countries grow cotton. plant regulator pesticides, and what kindsproduction of local certified seed and to Nigerias adoption of GM crops couldof claims can be made for them. The draftprotect the production of vegetables in the encourage other African governments toguidance provides examples of each. EPAdepartment of Cochabamba, that the use stand up to the vocal anti-GMO forces thatis taking this step to provide clarity to ourof seed that does not have the authoriza-make unsubstantial and unscientific alle- state regulatory partners, to industry, andtion certificates does not guarantee the gations about the supposed dangers posedto the interested public in this emergingproducer to obtain good production in by GMOs to human and animal health andproduct area. their crops.the environment. Plant biostimulants are a relativelyFailure to comply with the national new, but growing, category of productsregulations on seeds and the fight against STATE LAWMAKERS ARE GETTING BEHINDcontaining naturally occurring sub- smuggling resulted in the destruction THE HEMP INDUSTRY stances and microbes that are used toand incineration of 2,950 grams of pump-Looking at a potentially lucrative newstimulate plant growth, enhance resist- kin seeds, of the macre and tomato vari-industry, lawmakers are working on rulesance to plant pests, and reduce abioticety of the varieties: Santa Clara and Rio for farmers and businesses to grow and sellstress. Their increasing popularity arisesGrande, in the municipality of Quillacollo, industrial hemp in Florida. from their ability to enhance agriculturalbecause they did not have the correspond-The Senate Agriculture Committeeproductivity by stimulating natural pro- ing authorization. We must also emphasize approved a bill (SB 1020) that would createcesses in the plant and in soil, using sub- that the seizures and destruction of ille-a regulatory framework for the industry,stances and microbes already present ingal seed allows us to avoid the spread of which is emerging after a federal law lastthe environment. pests and diseases in the region, Orellana year legalized industrial hemp as an agri- Biostimulants can improve soil health,explained.cultural product. In doing so, Congressoptimize nutrient use, and increase plantOrellana added that the confisca-effectively separated industrial hemp, agrowth, vigor, yield and production. Theytion was possible to the coordination type of cannabis, from marijuana that cancan promote greater water and nutrientthat was made with the National Service get users high. use efficiency but do not provide any nutri- of Agricultural Health and Food Safety.Supporters say hemp can be used intionally relevant fertilizer benefit to theSource: Tuko a variety of products such as rope, animalplant. Plant biostimulant products can be feed, building materials and clothing -used in sustainable agriculture production and could be a boon as a new crop for farm- systems and integrated pest management EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 51'