b'BY: NGUYEN THANH MINHHOW TO RAISE YOUR COUNTRYS GDP WITH 5 BILLION USDTHE TREMENDOUS IMPACT OF UPOV MEMBERSHIP IN VIETNAM.V ietnam is an agriculture coun-try in which approximately 60% of the people are living based on agriculture. By the end of 2018, Vietnams population had reached 95 million while the area is only 332,000 km2, so Vietnam is one of the countries in the world with highest population density per square km.Since the country became an exporter of agriculture products, Vietnams govern-ment tried to improve the living standard of its people. And for this purpose, the seed sector plays a crucially important role by the contribution of new plant varieties.In order to support the growth of seed sector, Vietnam has decided to establish a national Plant Variety Protection (PVP) system because PVP encourages plant breeding and the introduction of new plant varieties which in turn benefits agricul-tural production and society as a whole.HISTORY OF PVP IN VIETNAMThe development of the Plant VarietyObservation of characteristics of Chrysanthemum in the DUS Growing Test.Protection system in Vietnam can be divided into three stages:to join the International Union for thebeen categorized in the seven points 1. Study the real concept of PVP Protection of New Varieties of Plantsbelow:(19952000) (UPOV). From 2005 to 2006 the country In this stage, many Vietnamese expertsdrafted and issued a law on Intellectual1. Farmers income is increasedwere dispatched to countries with anProperty (IP) for becoming a UPOVAfter Vietnam became a UPOV member, experienced PVP system to attend semi- memberandimprovedthetechni- the number of PVP applications has nars, study-tours and training courses oncal system after which we started toincreased rapidly. In 2007, just one year PVP. Through these activities we foundjoin UPOV. And on 24 December 2006,after joining UPOV, the number of appli-out that having an efficient PVP systemVietnam became UPOVs 63rd member. cations was higher than the total of the was absolutely necessary for Vietnam. three years before (20042006). The 3. Exploiting the benefit of UPOVnumber continued to increase year after 2. Establishing a national PVP systemMembership (2007now) year and recently reached about 250 and joining UPOV (20002006) Since we became a member of UPOV, weapplications per year In this period, the Ministry of Agricultureare running the national PVP system underThe fact that the number of applica-and Rural Development (MARD) issued athe UPOV 1991 Convention and exploit thetions continues to increase means that PVP legislation document and establishedbenefits of the system by its positive impactmany new varieties with good features PVP and DUS testing offices. However,to Vietnams socio-economy. have been introduced to the farmers. there was some confusion and mistakesThus, the Vietnamese farmers get bene-in the document thus the implementationIMPACT TO VIETNAMS fit by using those new varieties with have of PVP was not effective. SOCIO-ECONOMY higher yields, increased quality and a Therefore, in order for the PVPThere were many positive changes to thegood resistance to diseases and insects system to be effective, Vietnam decidedsocio-economy of Vietnam which haveand a better tolerance to abiotic stresses 16IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'