b'JOIN THE INITIATIVE!SCIENTISTS, STUDENTS, COMPANIES AND FARMERS ACROSS THE WORLD PREPARE TO CELEBRATE THE 5TH FASCINATION OF PLANTS DAY ON AND AROUND THE 18TH MAY 2019.BY: EUROPEAN PLANT SCIENCE ORGANISATION (EPSO)T he 18th of May 2019 will be the 5th international Fascinationon earth today and in the future. Over 44 countries worldwide of Plants Day (FoPD), organized under the umbrella of thehave confirmed their participation in the FoPD 2019, and this is European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) to celebrateset to keep rising. The goal is to get as many people as possible plants in all their diversity and wonder.around the world fascinated in plants and there are many ways The goal of FoPD is to get as many people as possible aroundto hold interactive events.the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the impor-tance of plant science for the sustainable production of nutri-tious food, horticulture, forestry, the protection of biodiversityOver 44 countries worldwide and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. The rolehave confirmed their of plants in environmental conservation and climate action isparticipation in thealso a key message.Plant science research is vitally important to enhanceFascination of Plants Day 2019.ourhealth and wellbeing, protect the environment and support all forms of sustainable development. Plant science can provide critical research incites that can help inform innovations and policies that affect all 17 of the 2016 UN Sustainable DevelopmentWe find particularly interesting the diversity of institu-Goals (SDGs). For example, selectively breeding plants whichtions that are celebrating this day, from research institutions, are more diverse, nutritious and have a stable/higher yield witheven from social sciences and humanities, to botanical gardens, a lower environmental footprint, including those that can growmuseums and science centres, parks, pharmacies, universities in adverse soil conditions, supports the ambition for Zero Hungerand companies," said Joana Lobo Antunes, National Coordinator (SDG2) and Good Health and Wellbeing (SGD3). Evaluating thefor Portugal, 2017.capacity of forests to absorb carbon and help limit global warm- Participants are encouraged to share fascinating facts about ing can enhance Climate Action, SGD 13. Monitoring the effectsplants, interesting information about their research, pictures of exploitation of natural resources and habitat degradation onand videos of plants by using the hashtag #PlantDay and by biodiversity can help inform policies on sustainable resource use,sending the EPSO videos to upload to their YouTube channel.which contributes to the success of SDGs 14 and 15, Life BelowAll information about this initiative can be accessed at www.Water and Life on Land. plantday18may.org and is supported by a network of national We are very proud of having so many different institutionscoordinators who voluntarily promote and disseminate the activ-celebrating this event with us since its inception in 2012. Thisities within their countries.is a great day for everyone that works with plants and want toTo upload an event, please contact your National share with everyone how fascinating we find them," said NelsonCoordinator (see your Country page). For any other inquiry, do Saibo, National Coordinator for Portugal, 2017. not hesitate to contact the FoPD Global Coordinators at EPSO. The Fascination of Plants Day (FoPD) was first launched inYou can take photos and share your events on social media, and 2012, followed by FoPDs from 2013 to 2017 at which over 1,000send your upcoming events, photos and success stories at plant-events were organized in over 52 countries worldwide, attractingday@epsomail.org for free promotion.many thousands of visitors. This international day aims to helpA very big THANK YOU to all FoPD coordinators and event the people of the world understand why plant science is of crit- organiser volunteers who worked so hard to make FoPDs such ical significance to social, environmental and economic issuesas success!34IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'