EUROPEAN-SEED.COM I EUROPEAN SEED I 39 A t the heart of seed business R&D programs and agron- omy discipline are core elements of development. With this perspective, ProGen Seed Company has been expanding its operations as being encouraged by its roots which goes back to 1940’s. ProGen has been working for the new and very strong varieties of cotton, soybean, wheat, and barley varieties that are developed by its R&D team in cooperation with many inter- national companies. Working on projects such as EASTBRED which was funded by EUREKA as well as many others, provided the company with a great international vision. In 2017, as a first in Turkey, ProGen was awarded by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology as a nationally accredited “Research Center”. This is the first denomination presented to a seed company in its category. With more than 50 researchers, agronomists, biotechnologists and technicians at its modern laboratories ProGen puts a great deal of importance to its multi-faceted breeding programs. This tedious work starts to its pay off; in official govern- ment test in 2016 and 2017, ProGen varieties ranked top #1 and/ or #2 in all categories they have been tested all across Turkey. Moreover, ProGen became the biggest branded cotton seed exporter of Turkey, although Turkey’s production fields are larger than many EAME countries landscape. From Spain to FAST TRACK IN EAME. Central Asia and from Russia to Africa every year more and more areas and farmers are happily introduced with ProGen brand. ProGen has 3 major company owned research stations located in the Egean, South East and Central Anatolia. The priority at ProGen is to develop improved varieties adapted to different regions, climates and soil conditions that meet the needs of local and foreign growers. As a result ProGen continues for the new and very strong varieties of cotton, soybean, wheat, and barley developed by its R&D team in cooperation with many international companies. In light of a number of delighted new varieties ProGen has been investing heavily in 2 new geographic regions of Turkey. With a capacity of 30,000 Mtons/year cereal seed processing plant in Konya which is in the heart of cereals producing region of Turkey is scheduled for the end of year 2018. Moreover, a delinting plant with 10,000 Mtons/year capacity is on the run for the end of year 2019. With its contracted seed production capabilities over 15,000 ha annually and by completion of these new facilities, ProGen will double its capacity and become one of the highest volume private field crops’ seed suppliers of not only Turkey’s but also EAME. As ProGen Seed, we target to become a leading actor to shape the world’s agronomic future with our ambition for R&D and inter- national collaborations. For more information, visit: PROMOTED CONTENT: PROGEN SEED COMPANY