E uropean policy making has had a great, but not always pos- itive impact on European agriculture and the seed sector. We only need to recall the process of approving GMOs, new plant protection products, or the recent ban on neonics, just to name a few. To find out more from one of the actors on the side of the seed industry, European Seed sat down with Andre Negreiros, new Seed Applied Technologies (SAT) Leader, EMEA for Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont. EUROPEAN SEED (ES): ANDRE, YOU HAVE WITNESSED THE RECENT EU DECISION ON THE NEONICS. DO YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD DECISION? ANDRE NEGREIROS (AN): This was a very controversial deci- sion. If you think about the last years, after the neonicotinoids interdiction in the main crops, it is possible to notice a consid- erable change in the European way of farming. This sudden prohibition, without a proper selection of substitute products, has turned farming into a very challenging activity, especially in some geographies where pest pressure is considerably high. It has undermined farmer competitiveness and fragilized the territory food chain. However, I believe we have passed the time to discuss this decision; at this moment, our industry must focus on R&D investments to develop solutions that balance regulatory objectives and farmers’ needs to meet societal expectations of a safe, healthy and abundant food supply. This is our company’s main challenge and in the last years we have been registering seed applied technologies with a very promising profile, bringing more efficient solutions for the EU reality. ES: IN TERMS OF THE NEONICS DECISION, WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE DIFFERENTLY ON BOTH SIDES (EU & INDUSTRY SECTOR)? AN: My personal view in this situation is that there was a lack of dialogue between all the involved sides, even society, that should have received more concrete and scientific information about the neonicotinoids matter. I also believe that the indus- try was reactive on the subject and could have discussed and worked on the main concerns raised by the authorities in a more proactive way. From now on, the best option for the industry is to adjust itself on the new requirements delivering solutions responding to both consumers and farmers’ needs. Nowadays, the European seed treatment market has already access to new technologies, such as our new insecticide seed treatment, with excellent effectiveness among the main pests and very safe for the pollinator insects. This product is an example that R&D can find seed-applied solutions to greatly substitute neonicotinoids. ES: RESEARCH HAS PROVEN THAT SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES DRAMATICALLY REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF CROP PROTECTION PRODUCTS THAT NEED TO BE APPLIED. WHY IS THERE STILL OPPOSITION? IS THERE LIFE AFTER THE NEONICS BAN? DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS TO HELP THE FARMERS. BY: MARCEL BRUINS Andre Negreiros, new Seed Applied Technologies (SAT) Leader, EMEA for Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont. 36 I EUROPEAN SEED I EUROPEAN-SEED.COM