14 I EUROPEAN SEED I EUROPEAN-SEED.COM A history of the EU treaties French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman wanted to integrate western Europe’s coal and steel industries in 1950, and after discussion, his ideas were set out in the Treaty of Paris the following year. This gave birth to the European Coal and Steel Community, which is the precursor to the EU. Since then, the EU has regularly updated and added to the treaties to ensure effective policy and decision-making. •  The Treaty of Paris, establishing the European Coal and Steel Community. Came into force in 1952 and expired in 2002. •  The Treaties of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). Came into force in 1958. •  The Single European Act (SEA) amended the EEC Treaty and paved the way for completing the single market. Came into force in 1987. •  The Treaty on European Union (TEU) — the Maastricht Treaty — established the European Union, gave the Parliament more say in decision- making and added new policy areas of cooperation. Came into force in 1993. •  The Treaty of Amsterdam amended previous treaties and came into force in 1999. •  The Treaty of Nice streamlined the EU institutional system so that it could continue to work effectively after the new wave of Member States joined in 2004. Came into force in 2003. •  The Treaty of Lisbon simplified working methods and voting rules, created a President of the European Council and introduced new structures with a view to making the EU a stronger actor on the global stage. Came into force in 2009. At their meetings, the leaders decide by consensus on the overall direction and priorities of the Union and provide the necessary impetus for its development. The European Council does not adopt legislation. At the end of each meeting it issues ‘conclusions’, which reflect the main messages resulting from the discussions and take stock of the decisions taken, also about their follow-up. The conclusions iden- tify major issues to be dealt with by the Council, i.e. the meetings of ministers. They may also invite the European Commission to come forward with proposals addressing a particular challenge or opportunity facing the Union. THE COUNCIL - THE VOICE OF THE MEMBER STATES www.consilium.europa.eu In the Council, ministers of EU Member States (one per coun- try) meet to discuss EU matters, take decisions and pass laws. The ministers who attend these meetings have the authority to commit their government to the actions agreed in the Council meetings. ROLE OF THE COUNCIL The Council is an essential EU decision-maker. Its work is car- ried out in Council meetings that are attended by one minister from each of the EU’s national governments. The purpose of these gatherings is to: • discuss, agree, amend and, finally, adopt legislation; • coordinate the Member States’ policies; • or define the EU’s foreign policy. Which ministers attend which Council meeting depends on the subjects on the agenda. The Presidency of the Council rotates between the Member States every six months. It is not the same as the President of the European Council. The responsibility of the government holding the Presidency is to organise and chair the different Council meetings. The Council has five key responsibilities: 1.  pass European laws — in most fields, it legislates jointly with the European Parliament; 2.  coordinate the Member States’ policies, for example, in the economic field; 3.  develop the EU’s common foreign and security policy, based on guidelines set by the European Council; 4.  conclude international agreements between the EU and one or more states or international organisations; 5.  adopt the EU’s budget, jointly with the European Parliament. THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION - PROMOTING THE COMMON INTEREST ec.europa.eu The Commission is the politically independent institution that represents and upholds the interests of the EU as a whole. In many areas it is the driving force within the EU’s institutional system: it proposes legislation, policies and programmes of action and is responsible for implementing the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council. It also represents the Union to the outside world with the exception of the common foreign and security policy. WHAT IS THE COMMISSION? The term ‘Commission’ is used in two senses. Firstly, it refers to the ‘Members of the Commission’ — i.e. the team of men and women appointed by the Member States, one from each Member State, and the Parliament to run the institution and take its deci- sions. Secondly, the term ‘Commission’ refers to the institution itself and to its staff. Informally, the Members of the Commission are known as ‘Commissioners’. They have all held political positions and many have been government ministers, but as members of the Commission they are committed to acting in the interests of the Union as a whole and not taking instructions from national governments. The Commission remains politically answerable to the Parliament, which has the power to dismiss it by adopting a motion of censure. The Commission attends all the sessions of the Parliament, where it must clarify and justify its policies. It also replies regularly to written and oral questions posed by Members of Parliament. The day-to-day work of the Commission is done by its administrative officials, experts, translators, interpreters and secretarial staff. There are approximately 33,000 people working for the Commission. The European Commission has four main roles: 1. to propose legislation to the Parliament and the Council; 2. to manage and implement EU policies and the budget; 3.  to enforce European law (jointly with the Court of Justice); 4. to represent the Union around the world.