SEPTEMBER 2018 GERMINATION.CA 61 industry’s concerns about the judgement. He warned that in the absence of improved legal clarity in this area, Europe could miss out on significant benefits of certain applications of gene editing. “In addition to providing consumer and environmen- tal benefits such as enhanced nutrition, improved health or a more circular economy, innova- tions made possible by genome editing hold enormous promise to keep Europe at the forefront of socio-economic develop- ment, continuing to generate jobs and growth in the EU,” Brennan said. “Unfortunately, this court ruling, which is inconsistent with the advocate general’s opinion published in January, does not provide the necessary regulatory clarity needed by EU researchers, aca- demics and innovators.” “This is a unique opportunity to share experiences from East to West and discover the latest find- ings in genotypes,” says Keser Mesut, ICARDA’s senior scientist and country manager based out of Ankara, Turkey. “It helps us understand that our needs are shaped by similar challenges posed by climate change.” For participants from Pakistan, this travelling seminar turned out to be a relevant and meaningful discovery because of the country’s need for new winter wheat germplasm suitable for rainfed farming. “It is not important to agree on one solution or a particular statement. The most impor- tant thing is to hear different views on the same subjects to broaden our knowledge,” said Malakmassoud Ahmadi from Iran’s Dryland Agricultural Research Institute. TURKEY ABOUT 50 CROP scientists, representing no fewer than 11 countries, gathered in the wheat fields of Turkey to learn more about improved winter wheat varieties. Organized by the International Winter Wheat Improvement Program, or IWWIP, the event — a travelling seminar and phenotyping exercise — was a scientific roadshow. The delegation of scientists came from far and near, with 27 from Turkey, and the rest from Azerbaijan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Turkmenistan, South Korea, Spain, and the United Kingdom. “ITISNOWLIKELYTHATMUCHOFTHE POTENTIALOFTHESEINNOVATIVE METHODSWILLBELOSTFOREUROPE— WITHSIGNIFICANTNEGATIVEECONOMIC ANDENVIRONMENTALCONSEQUENCES.” –GarlichvonEssen Nexeed Inc – Equipment solutions for Canadian grain & seed processors. Your Local Cimbria Dealer. Equipment sales, color sorters, spare parts, training, or plant design contact Nexeed to learn more. 204 982 3531 NEXEED.CA