50 GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2018 SUPPORTED BY: ENDORSED BY: DOWNLOADTHEWHOLECONVERSATION! View our latest retail Roundtable webinar on this very topic at http://ow.ly/ gdRT30lfZtr The labels used to identify the Resistance Group (RG) based on the major genes in a canola cultivar are: RG A = Rlm1 or LepR3 RG B = Rlm2 RG C = Rlm3 RG D = LepR1 RG E1 = Rlm4 RG E2= Rlm7 RG F = Rlm9 RG G = RlmS RG H = LepR2 RG X = unknown KEVIN ZAYCHUK AND THE SPORNADO A new tool in the fight against Sclerotinia in canola is the Spornado. It’s a passive spore sampler as opposed to being an active sampler. The trick is a special membrane you insert, remove and then ship to a lab. It can even be controlled via a mobile device. It also captures GPS location and weather information from where you had it in the field. The sampler is placed in the field, trapping airborne and waterborne spores on specialized filters. These filters are then collected for PCR analysis for fungal pathogens that cause crop disease. With an established detection system in place to monitor the presence of this fungi in the environment around them, farmers have even more information to guide fungicide spraying when needed. We can detect Sclerotinia and also Fusarium this way. This is a big leap forward from previously trying to identify pathogens with a microscope, and is bridging the gap toward the next leap, where we’ll have real-time sensors helping us with disease detection — something already being experimented with. Watch for that in the future. Kevin Zaychuk is business development manager for 20/20 Seed Labs. His major roles have included participating in the commercialization of the DNA-based test for detecting Fusarium on cereal crops, the molecular test for detection of the pathogen responsible for clubroot of canola and assisting with the development of an authorized International Seed Testing Association seed sampling program “YOUMIGHTGROWA40BUSHEL- PER-ACRECANOLACROPAND BEHAPPYWITHTHAT,WHEN YOUCOULDHAVEHADA48 BUSHEL-PER-ACRECROPHAD YOUUSEDAVARIETYWITH MOREAPPROPRIATEBLACKLEG RESISTANCE.” -ShaanTsai