SUPPORTED BY ENDORSED BY 38 / SEEDWORLD.COM OCTOBER 2018 the growing season,” he says. “There’s a lot that can happen between the time the trial is put in the ground to when the crop is harvested. “When you think of small plot research, if you see some early season stand reduction, wheat plants have a great abil- ity to compensate by tillering more. Often, you won’t see a strong correlation between stand and yield. The general trend that we’ve been seeing across these areas is a positive response in both stand and yield when a seed treatment was used.” In the eastern trials, Friskop says there was a 4.9 percent increase in stand when a fun- gicide was used. In the west- ern experiments, there was a 9.4 percent stand increase. About 60 percent of the eastern trials had a positive yield response, while in the western trials, there was a positive response about 75 percent of the time when a fungicide seed treatment was applied. Looking at those same data sets, Friskop shares the mean yield response in the eastern trials was 2.2 percent higher for the fungicide seed treatment plots and about 4.5 percent higher for the fungicide seed treated plots in the west. In both locations, a positive yield response was observed more than 70 percent of the time when a fungicide was applied. “The one thing I must add is any time you look at yield data, remember that even though a positive yield response was observed 70 percent of the time, it does not always mean it was an economic yield response,” Friskop says, noting that both locations averaged about 1.5 bushels per acre yield increase from the use of a fungicide seed treatment. SW NorthernClimate •Wireworms •Seed-borneFusarium ModerateClimate •Aphids •Fusarium •Pythium •Rhizoctonia •Bunts&Smuts SouthernClimate •Aphids •HessianFly •Fusarium •Pythium •Rhizoctonia •Nematodes DrySouthernClimate •Aphids •HessianFly •Bunts&Smuts ModerateClimate Wireworms Aphids Nematodes Pythium Fusarium Rhizoctonia Bunts&Smuts Moderateto SouthernClimate •Aphids •Nematodes •Pythium •Fusarium •Rhizoctonia •Bunts&Smuts NorthernClimate •Wireworms •SoilandSeed-borneFusarium •Wireworm(geographyspecific) •Pythium •Rhizoctonia •Bunts&Smuts