b'TABLE OF CONTENTS APRIL 2020europeanseedFEATURESWhat it Takes to Develop a New Sugar Beet Variety .06Sugar: A European Richness we Must Protect 1020 of the Most Innovative Breeders 13What is Blockchain, its Benefits and Common Uses .22How Blockchain Contributes to an Efficient & Better Food Ecosystem.24Blockchain: The Benefits for the Environment and for Farmers 26The European Union and the International Year of Plant Health 2020 28The International Year of Plant Health: How Protecting Plant Health Can Help .30Celebrating 25 Years of CPVO .32The Diversity Dynamics Of Greenhouse Tomato Varieties .3824 38DEPARTMENTSEditors Message .04Column: Sense, Nonsense And Science .12Column: The Risk Corner 19INSIDERSAdvice From Industry Experts 20Column: Since You Asked .41Industry News 42Extras 46Giant Views: World Trade May Profoundly Change 48ON THE COVER: Treated sugar beet seeds. Treatments protect vulnerable seeds from diseases and pests directly after they are sowed. The reduced availability of plant protection products in combination with climate change is a major challenge for agriculture. Against this background, plant breeding is becoming more important. Breeding priorities must 06 be chosen with foresight to secure the future of agriculture. (Source: KWS). EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 1'