b"2 0 1 920 MOST innovative breedersin the European seed sectorJEROEN BAKKERSECTOR BREEDER TRADITIONAL AT HZPC IN THE NETHERLANDSJeroen has been working in potato since 2007, and for the past 13 years he has been developing new potato varieties. He is the breeder behind the low-calorie potato Sunlite, which has 30% less calories than average potatoes. With dedication and inspiration, he has been creating different varieties with increased disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance, leading to a new generation of varieties that contribute to the entire value chain. Jeroens breed-ing work has increased water-efficiency and durable resistances, contributing to a more sustainable production. He has also achieved big steps forward towards traits like lower carbs and higher levels of antioxi-dants (the so-called Perupas) which interest certain groups of consumers. Together with his colleague, researcher Hans van Doorn, he developed methods to measure many characteristics very efficiently. As a result of his work, HZPC has introduced low-calorie potato varieties like Colomba and Carrera. From the same potato varieties, also a line of low-carb fries has been developed. G BENTVELSEN MEINDERT BOONDR. GORAN BEKAVAC DIRECTOR AT ABZ SEED IN THEHEAD OF BRASSICA BREEDING -EMEAHEAD OF THE MAIZE DEPARTMENTNETHERLANDSAT BAYERAT THE INSTITUTE OF FIELD ANDMore than 25 years ago ABZ Seeds was cre- Meindert has 33 years of experience in VEGETABLE CROPS IN SERBIA ated out of a running research project withinvegetable R&D of which 24 years as Brassica Goran has been a maize breeder for thethe seed company Sluis and Groot. At that time,breeder. He is acknowledged as the industry past 29 years. He has developed and co-de- G had set goals of propagating strawberriesleader for designing and breeding innova-veloped more than 140 maize hybrids, whichfrom seed because of the benefits that seedtive broccoli and cauliflower hybrids delight-are registered in Serbia and worldwide.would offer compared to cuttings, in terms ofing his customers e.g. High Rise Broccoli He is also the breeder of the first herbicideefficiency, hygiene, quality and sustainability.and Curdivex Cauliflower. The High Rise tolerant maize hybrid (CTM) registered inThe general opinion was that propagationinnovation was recognized by the Produce Serbia. Besides this, he has also adjustedfrom seed would not be possible in a profita- Marketing Association, U.S. winner of the and implemented the technology of doubledble way due to the complex genetic characterScience and Technology Circle of Excellence haploids in the maize breeding program.of the species Fragaria x ananassaAward in 2019. Meindert is currently develop-Duch. In The main goal of his maize breeding pro- the meantime, G has proven the opposite,ing the next generation of consumer-friendly gram is breeding conventional hybrids withand as a result of his work, seed breedingbroccoli and cauliflower hybrids. Apart from a standard grain quality. In addition, he isis revolutionizing the worldwide strawberrythat he drives change and implements new also breeding for hybrids with a red and amarket and also the core of ABZ Seeds' dis- technologies and tools to accelerate genetic black grain colour (2019). This type of graintinctive character. Through Gs work, over thegain in breeding programs as well as to can be considered as a new functional foodyears, ABZ has developed a vast assortment ofincrease the probability of selecting and and could have numerous benefits as foodF1 hybrid varieties for both fruit production andadvancing the very best hybrids in the fastest and as feed. floriculture. G is an active member in severalpossible way.branch organisations such as: FleuroSelect and Plantum. He is also member of the Soft Fruit Advisory Board, Naktuinbouw, since 2001.14IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM"