EUROPEAN-SEED.COM I EUROPEAN SEED I 33 the aim of which was to display the campaign, demonstrate that plant breeding is all about passion, innovation… and also rubber boots, reminding participants about the boots on the ground when it comes to the agriculture sector. ESA is delighted that its members and other partic- ipants strongly supported our communication efforts by liking and sharing messages, and by bringing many addi- tional, fresh ideas to the campaign. This year’s annual meeting was also a great opportu- nity to launch the series of ‘Dinner with Darwin’ videos with Jonathan Silvertown, which are now available on the ESA YouTube channel under the #EmbracingNature playlist; videos include ‘Wine Tale’, The (hi)story of bread, or an interesting plant breeding story of cabbage. ESA is encour- aging all to watch these videos explaining what evolution has to do with our food. Last but not least, ESA in cooperation with Anove organized a successful press conference with a number of Spanish journalists to talk about the importance of the sector and explain the negative consequences of the ECJ ruling for the future of farming and the whole of the society in the EU. To get a few snapshots of the event and get to know more about our “Embracing the Power of Nature” campaign check the hashtags: #Euroseeds2018 and #EmbracingNature, or visit the website of the campaign: The next ESA Annual Meeting will be held from 13 to 15 October 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden. Note for the ESA members: All the presentations will be made available soon on the ESA website in the mem- bers area, under Assembly General.