EUROPEAN-SEED.COM I EUROPEAN SEED I 9 elite varieties of roses and other ornamental species that pro- duced a significant increase in exports and associated income. The floriculture industry has recorded growth in volume and value of cut flowers exported every year, with an increase from 10,946 tons in 1988 to 159,691 tons in 2017. In 2017, the flori- culture industry earned USD 823 million. PVP enables breeders to sell their elite varieties in Kenya since they are protected. SPECIFIC IMPACTS 1. Increase in the number of breeding entities Initially most breeding work was done by the National Agricultural Research Institute. However, with the implemen- tation of PVP and liberation of the seed industry in the country, several new breeding entrants have come on board, namely uni- versity scientists, foreign seed companies, domestic companies and breeding entrants in horticultural industry. 2. Increased breeding activities, commercialization and collab- oration between breeders An increased level of activity has been observed in the seed industry involving domestic and foreign breeders. Increased collaboration of domestic breeders with foreign breeders and international institutions has been noted. This involves capacity building, funding, germplasm exchange and commercialization of foreign varieties in Kenya. Breeding entities collaborate with farmers and local institutions during evaluation of new varieties. This creates employment and extension of the knowledge base for farmers and institutional staff involved. Additionally, there has been an increase in the diversity of crops and target attributes. Previously, varieties were assessed for release on the basis of their yield performance. However, in the recent past, varieties were released based on attributes other than yield, such as stem rust resistance in wheat, fiber and lint quality in cotton, brewing quality in barley, processing qual- ity (crisps and French Fries) in potato and tolerance to Maize Lethal Necrosis. Quite significant has been the development of nutrition rich varieties of various crops including beta carotene-rich sweet potato, iron-rich beans and indigenous crop varieties. 3. Enhanced Access to Foreign Bred Materials The PVP system has encouraged foreign breeders to introduce their varieties into Kenya. This has improved farmer access to elite varieties, with increased productivity especially in orna- mentals and potato. Further, international breeders have incor- porated their companies domestically to produce and market their varieties. 4. Generation of Foreign Exchange and Employment More than half of the varieties for which PVP has been applied in Kenya are ornamentals. Given the conducive weather condi- tions for flower and ornamental plants production, Kenya has continued to attract a number of breeders to commercialize their elite varieties, which are grown for sale in the European market. This has contributed to Kenya being the largest single source of floriculture imports into the European Union. To sustain the production for the market, the floriculture industry requires a large labour force. Over 500,000 people depend on this industry and over 2 million people impacted indirectly. TABLE 1. DISTRIBUTION OF PVP APPLICATIONS BY COUNTRY COUNTRY % OF APPLICATIONS Netherlands 40.48% Kenya 31.07% Germany 10.87% France 7.08% Israel 1.47% U.S.A. 1.47% Japan 1.28% Australia 1.10% Others 5.19% Total 100.00% A rose greenhouse in Kenya.