42 GERMINATION.CA JULY 2017 PEOPLE WHO HAVE made a big difference in their indus- try were honoured at the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA) annual meeting held in Halifax, N.S., July 10-13, 2017. Robertson Associate Award The Robertson Associate Award recognizes those who have fulfilled with utmost fidelity and success their obliga- tion to CSGA. This year’s award recipients are Jim Baillie, Kathy Hardy and Grahame Hardy. Originally from a family dairy farm near Tatamagouche, N.S., Jim Baillie is a graduate of the former Nova Scotia Agricultural College, now Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus. He initially started out in agri-retail, but in the mid-1990s he decided farming was his calling and he developed a forestry harvesting and silviculture business in partnership with a field crop farm. In 1997 he added pedigreed seed production to the farm. Baillie recognizes the leadership benefits created by active farm organizations. To this end, he has been involved in each sector he has participated in over the years — from committee to board to executive positions, he allocates the time necessary to assist in the develop- ment of his sector. Participation takes time away from family and farm, but he is blessed with the support of his wife Brenda, also his key staff member. Seed growers and seed grower groups have a special meaning to him. From his initial work on the Maritime Branch Board to his later role as president of CSGA, Baillie has developed a mindset that welcomes change that strengthens not only the position of seed growers, but of the whole seed sector as well. Grahame and Kathy Hardy met at Kemptville College (KCAT) in 1970 and in 1972 they were married. Both Grahame and Kathy obtained their select seed grower status and became a very integral part of the day-to-day operation of the Hardy Seeds registered seed establish- ment. The seed cleaning plant was expanded to accom- modate the processing of seed from contract growers. In 1990, Grahame and Kathy added a commercial elevator for spring wheat and an additional 600 tonnes of storage, which was used to store additional seed produc- tion from contract growers. In 2002, the seed cleaning plant was upgraded to include an automated bagging line to allow for the increased output of bagged product, which included pedigreed seed, certified organic food grade soy- beans and food grade soybeans for the export market. Seed industry activity for Grahame included 10 years as a director with OSGA and three years on the SeCan board. Kathy served as a provincial director of CSGA for four years and has been a director of the Ottawa Valley Seed Growers Association for a number of years. Grahame and Kathy have both received long service cer- tificates for pedigreed seed production — Grahame for 35 years and Kathy for 25 years. Honorary Life Award This award is presented to people who, by distinguished services to CSGA, have contributed to the betterment of Canadian agriculture. This year’s recipients are Richard Martin, Peter Boswall and Dale Adolphe. Richard Martin was born in Winnipeg but grew up in Ottawa, where he received a science degree from Carleton University in 1973. He then attended the The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association recognizes those who have made a big difference in their industry. Marc Zienkiewicz Grahame and Kathy Hardy Dale Adolphe Peter Boswall Jim Baillie Richard Martin SIXSEEDGROWERS GETTOPHONOURS