SEPTEMBER 2017 SEEDWORLD.COM / 9 enough travel to keep things interesting, but not so much that I can’t do my hands-on pathology work,” she says. Hartney also says she is fortunate to work with a group of amazing people. “My coworkers at the Pacific Northwest Research Station are intelligent, creative, fun-loving and hard working,” she notes. “We work together to get any project done, and we know enough about each other’s programs that we can help when time or hands are short.” What Her Colleagues Say One of her colleagues, Jeff Zischke, is director of research for Sakata Seed and is based in Salinas, Calif. He interacts with Hartney a great deal given the critical role she plays in research and managing breeder support pathology in the west. When asked his thoughts on her winning the Future Giant of the industry award, Zischke doesn’t mince words. “Sierra is one of the most enthusiastic scientists I have ever had the pleasure to work with,” he says. “Scientific problems are just puzzles to be solved and people like her remind us how lucky we are to get to do what we do for a living. “She is very fun to work with and also very smart. A plant breeder working on a crop that faces a daunting challenge, like downy mildew in spinach, needs someone with her optimism and determina- tion to keep pace with the problem.” Lindsey DuToit, a professor and Extension plant pathologist at Washington State University, is another colleague who cannot say enough positive things about Hartney. “I get to interact relatively regularly with Sierra, either on specific projects, during seed grower and company meetings, or in collaboration with the American Seed Trade Association Vegetable Technical Committee. The motivation and desire to make a positive impact on the seed industry appears to be important criteria for this award, and Sierra certainly demonstrates both of these traits clearly in her work,” DuToit says. “Her energy and enthusiasm suggest she’ll continue to contribute to seed pathology for many years to come, and should become (if not already) a key member of the U.S. vegetable seed production and seed pathology world.” When asked her own thoughts on receiving this prestigious award, Hartney says she was both honored and surprised. “The motivation and desire to make a positive impact on the seed industry appears to be important criteria for this award, and Sierra certainly demonstrates both of these traits … Her energy and enthusiasm suggest she’ll continue to contribute to seed pathology for many years to come.” — Lindsey DuToit “I knew that I was being nominated for some award as I was asked to provide my CV and such,” Hartney says. “But I didn’t know for what. I was just working and getting things done and lost track of the time frame.” She thinks she was chosen for this award because of her active participation in the vegetable seed community and helping out wherever she can. “I have a job to do, but I can also attend meet- ings, talk to growers at trials, and volunteer to take notes or be on a committee, and ask questions about the bigger picture,” she says. “I am engaged and passionate about what I do. “ Professor Joyce Loper couldn’t agree more. The two met when Hartney joined the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University to begin her Ph.D. pro- gram in the fall of 2006. “At that time, Sierra had already received her Master of Science in plant pathology from Washington State University, and she came to OSU with a very strong endorsement from the faculty at Washington State,” recalls Loper. “I was delighted when she joined my research group and began her Ph.D. research focused on the biological control of plant diseases. “From the first time we met, I have always loved to talk with Sierra about science, agriculture and life in general.” Loper says Hartney possesses many of the attributes of a successful scientist: curiosity about the natural world, a personal mission to solve agri- cultural problems, a strong work ethic, integrity, a strong allegiance with the scientific community and a commitment to outreach. “She takes joy in scientific discovery and loves to exchange ideas with other scientists,” Loper says. “While a graduate student at OSU, she pre- sented her research at five national or international conferences, and she wrote grants to fund her travel to these conferences. In addition to her scientific accomplishments, Sierra has an exemplary record of professional ser- vice and outreach.” What’s Next? To help keep up with the industry needs and the latest research and technologies, Hartney attends annual meetings of the American Phytopathological Society, International Working Group on Peronospora based in The Netherlands