b'A CENTURY OF 1950: FIS Congress, Paris marks the re-start of activity in the post-war periodRules and Usages for the Trade in GROWTH 1930: First edition of the FISSeeds for Sowing Purposes revised.Rules for International1951: International Plant International Seed Federation marksArbitration Procedure adopted;Protection Convention (IPPC) 100 years of innovation, seed qualityFIS Congress in Budapest. adopted.and opportunity. 1931: First International Rules for1955: FIS extends its Seed Testing adopted by ISTAactivities beyond forage and THIS YEAR MARKS A who also established the ISTAturf to form the Cereal monumental milestone for theCertificates Scheme. Section.International Seed Federation (ISF) as it celebrates 100 years of unpar- 1938: International Association1956: ASSINSEL Congress in alleled contributions to the globalof Plant Breeders for theSemmering, Austriamotion seed sector and to agriculture.Protection of Plant Varietiespassed calling for a Founded in 1924, the ISF has been(ASSINSELAssociationdiplomatic conference to at the forefront of advocating forInternationale desconsider the protection of seed policies that support sustain- Slectionneurs pour laplant varieties.able agriculture and ensure foodProtection des Obtentions security worldwide. Vgtales) is formed with the1957: First International Over the past century, ISF hasaim of establishing an efficientConference for the Protection evolved from a small group of seedsystem for the protection of newof Plant Varieties in Paris.traders to an influential organiza- plant varieties.tion encompassing members from more than 70 countries. Its com- 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950smitment to innovation and qual-ity has helped introduce rigorous standards in seed testing and plant breeding, revolutionizing the indus-try and enabling farmers to access high-quality seeds.The centennial celebrations highlight the federations journey1940s: Activity in the seed sector slows through a century of agriculturalduring World War II.challenges and achievements. Events include a global conference1945: United Nations Food and featuring pioneers in biotechnology1924: First International Seed CongressAgriculture Organisation (FAO) os and sustainable farming practices,in LondonFIS (Fdrationestablished. One of FAOs key objectives and a commemorative publica- Internationale du Commerce deswas (and is) to defeat hunger.tion detailing the ISFs impact onSemences) and ISTA (International Seed agriculture. Testing Association) established. As the ISF looks to the future, it remains dedicated to embrac- 1928: FIS Congress in Bolognafirst ing cutting-edge technologies anddraft of the Rules for the International fostering international cooperation.Trade in Herbage Seed presented.By ensuring that the best, most resilient seed varieties continue to1929: FIS Congress in ParisRules for reach farmers around the world,International Trade in Herbage Seed the ISF is planting the seeds forcome into force.another century of growth and prosperity.16/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2024'